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Gene environment interaction of GALNT2 and APOE gene with hypertension in the Chinese Han Population

In some GWAs studies, GALNT2 and APOE polymorphisms have been identified to be related to alterations of plasma or serum HDL-C and TG concentrations. The purpose of our study is to assess the contribution of GALNT2 rs4846914, APOE rs429358, rs7412, rs405509 variants, and several environmental factors to the development of hypertension disease in the China Han population. A hospital-based case-control study was conducted. Cases were hypertension (n=211) and controls were normal participants (n=434). The AA, AG, and GG genotype frequencies of GALNT2 rs4846914 were 22.8%, 43.1%, and 34.1% in hypertension subjects, and 35.3%, 44.2%, and 20.5% in controls (P<0.05), respectively. The OR of the AG genotype adjusted for all risk factors compared to the AA genotype was 1.61 (95%CI: 1.02 to 2.56) and to the GG genotype 2.67 (95%CI: 1.59 to 4.488). There was no significant difference between the APOE rs429358, rs7412, and rs405509 genotype frequencies in hypertension and control subjects. The present work indicates that SNP rs4846914 in GALNT2 gene is related to an increased risk of hypertension in China Han population, but the APOE gene is not.