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Classification of imbalanced bioinformatics data by using boundary movement-based ELM

To address the imbalanced classification problem emerging in Bioinformatics, a boundary movement-based extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm called BM-ELM was proposed. BM-ELM tries to firstly explore the prior information about data distribution by condensing all training instances into the one-dimensional feature space corresponding to the original output in ELM, and then on the transformed space, to find the optimal moving distance of the classification hyperplane by estimating the probability density distributions of the instances in different classes. Experimental results on four real imbalanced bioinformatics classification data sets indicated that the proposed BM-ELM algorithm outperforms some traditional bias correction algorithms due to it can greatly improve the sensitivity of the classification results with small loss of specificity as possible. Also, BM-ELM algorithm has presented better performance than the widely used support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The algorithm can be widely popularized in various large-scale bioinformatics applications.