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Detection of Perlger-Huet anomaly based on augmented fast marching method and speeded up robust features

Pelger-Huet anomaly (PHA) and Pseudo Pelger-Huet anomaly (PPHA) are neutrophil with abnormal morphology. They have the bilobed or unilobed nucleus and excessive clumping chromatin. Currently, detection of this kind of cell mainly depends on the manual microscopic examination by a clinician, thus, the quality of detection is limited by the efficiency and a certain subjective consciousness of the clinician. In this paper, a detection method for PHA and PPHA is proposed based on karyomorphism and chromatin distribution features. Firstly, the skeleton of the nucleus is extracted using an augmented Fast Marching Method (AFMM) and width distribution is obtained through distance transform. Then, caryoplastin in the nucleus is extracted based on Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and a K-nearest-neighbor (KNN) classifier is constructed to analyze the features. Experiment shows that the sensitivity and specificity of this method achieved 87.5% and 83.33%, which means that the detection accuracy of PHA is acceptable. Meanwhile, the detection method should be helpful to the automatic morphological classification of blood cells.