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A study on locating the sonic source of sinusoidal magneto-acoustic signals using a vector method

Methods based on the magnetic-acoustic effect are of great significance in studying the electrical imaging properties of biological tissues and currents. The continuous wave method, which is commonly used, can only detect the current amplitude without the sound source position. Although the pulse mode adopted in magneto-acoustic imaging can locate the sonic source, the low measuring accuracy and low SNR has limited its application. In this study, a vector method was used to solve and analyze the magnetic-acoustic signal based on the continuous sine wave mode. This study includes theory modeling of the vector method, simulations to the line model, and experiments with wire samples to analyze magneto-acoustic (MA) signal characteristics. The results showed that the amplitude and phase of the MA signal contained the location information of the sonic source. The amplitude and phase obeyed the vector theory in the complex plane. This study sets a foundation for a new technique to locate sonic sources for biomedical imaging of tissue conductivity. It also aids in studying biological current detecting and reconstruction based on the magneto-acoustic effect.