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Intracellular disassembly and localization of a new P123-PEI-R13/DNA complex


The appropriate location and release of target gene is necessary for gene therapy. In our previous paper, a gene vector named P123-PEI-R13 has been successfully synthesized, and the physical characteristics and cellular trafficking of nanoparticle P123-PEI-R13/DNA has been explored explicitly, but little was known about its disassembly within cells. In order to investigate its intracellular disassembly, P123-PEI-R13/DNA complex was exposed to the different competitors (RNA, DNA, proteins) or different conditions of pH and osmolarity, DNA release was determined by gel electrophoresis. Meanwhile, confocal laser technology was used to locate the complex in cells. The results revealed that DNA, RNA and osmolarity could affect the stability of the complex obviously, especially RNA which exist in nucleus. In addition, the speed of DNA release decreased as the weight ratio of polymer increased. Images got by a confocal fluorescence microscope confirmed that after cell uptake, P123-PEI-R13 could translocate DNA into nucleus.