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Keyword Index Volume 26 (2015)

18F-FDG S1669

2-D array transducer S1579

2-DE S2223

3-D imaging system S1579

3-dimensional image S1695

3D printing S45

3D reconstruction S1409

3D structure S2019

3D-printer S341

5-HT1A receptor agonist S2233

64-slice CT S1651

A549 cells S165

abdominal aorta S257

abdominal aortic aneurysm S245

aberration correction S1465

ablation area S265

abnormal detection S1249

accelerometer S1533

acceptability threshold S35

acoustic analysis S787

acoustic signal S423

acrylic denture base resin S35

acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) S45

active shape model S1291

active silver ion antibacterial solution S311

activity recognition S1533

acute hyperglycemia S881

acute kidney injury S2133

adaboost S1533

adaptive optics S1465

adaptive-weighted diagonal total variation (AwDTV) S1685

additive manufacturing 31

adenoid cystic carcinoma S2145

adenovirus-mediated siRNA S2055

adherence energy 149

adhesive S63, 149

adhesive area limitation S63

adhesive system S63

adolescent idiopathic scoliosis S601

airflow S413

Akt S2259

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) S1135, S2165, S2197

amplitude S1177

amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) S2197

anastomosis S477

anatomical S1297


ankle-foot wearable orthosis S647


anthropomorphic design S647

anti-apoptosis S139

anti-infective S2123

anti-inflammation S139

anti-inflammatory S2123

anti-oxidative S81

anticorrelated network S1201

antioxidant S2133

APOE S1977

apoptosis S165, S2055, S2083, S2259

apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) S1169

approximate parallel S1027

AQP4 S1169

armpit electrode S779

arms stretched forward S803

arrhythmia diagnosis S1045

ART S1027

arterial aneurysm S271

artificial blood vessels S89

artificial neural network S1599

artificial peroxidase S73

AS S1077

ASD S811

assistant cancer therapy S2083

assistive exercise S861

atrial fibrillation wave S925

atrial premature contract S1559

atrium S739

attachments S507

attention allocation S871

auditory temporal integration (ATI) S767

auto-crosslinked hyaluronic acid 183

automatic segmentation S1315

autophagy S2259

auxiliary function S1009

Axesse linac S1677

Bacillus thuringiensis S2019

back projection algorithm S1223, S1483

bagging S1703, S1961

baseline wandering S1087

Bax S165

Bayesian model S991

BCI S1125

Bcl-2 S165

beamforming S1613

Beta-catenin S2145

BIA S779

biarticular muscles S757

binary particle swarm optimization S1523

bio-impedance method 97

bio-robot S357

bioactive glass 169

biocompatibility S27, 31, S119, S147, 169

biodegradation S119

bioelectrical impedance measurement S1695

bioimpedance measurement technology S429

bioinformatics S1569, S1855

biological evaluation S173

biomarker S1837, S2101

biomechanical model S365

biomedical engineering S903

biomedical image S1249

biomedical imaging S3

biomedicine measurements S395

biopotential analog front-end (AFE) S935

biosensor S2091

biostimulation S1001

biped robot S757

block-wise S1027

blood S895

blood compatibility 39

blood pressure S903

blood vessel S265

body composition 97

body temperature S1077

BOLD S1439

bond graph (BG) S1711

boosting S1703

bradykinesia S2249

brain edema S1169

brain function network S1107

brain glioma S1315

brain network S1447, S2197

brain white matter S991

brain–computer interface (BCI) 161, S357, S1019, S1523

braking behavior S563

braking reaction time S563

BRCA1 S2217

breast cancer S2217, S2259

breast computer aided detection S1541

breast lesion S1353

breast tumor S1265

BSA S851

bulk metallic glass 9

burrow-wheeler aligner (BWA) tool S1791

bypass graft S477


CAD simulation S341

CAD systems S1213

calcium oscillations S2077

cancer S2101

cancer classification S1993

canine S629

cantilever bridge S19

carbon 11-labeled pittsburgh compound B (11C-PiB) S2197

carbon nanotube S189

carboxymethylchitosan S111

cardiac phase S467

cardiovascular 49

carotid artery S299

carotid endarterectomy S299

carpal tunnel S173

catalytic efficiency S73

cell morphology S155

cell proliferation S155

cellular viability 103

centerline extraction S1231

cepstrum estimation S455

ceramic on ceramic 89

cerebral aneurysm S225

cerebrovascular S1231

cerebrovascular accident S1447

cervical disc replacement S637

cervical muscle S619

cervical spine S637

CFC S1053

CFD S215, S319

cfDNA S2217

chaos game representation S1829

charge migration S1937

chemical etching S45

China S1977

Chinese medicine formulas S951

chitin binding domain 3 protein S2019

chitosan 169

choroid S287

chromatin maps S1917

chronic apical periodontitis S311

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease S1903, S2113

chronic stroke S329

CIEDE2000 S35

CIN S851

circuitous joint S665

circular array coil S1741

Clarke error gird S447

classification S1185, S1213, S1599, S1749, S1821, S2011

classifier 49

clinical data S2101

clinical evaluation S173

clinical rating S2249

clustalW S1781

co-crosslinking 19

Cobb’s angle S1193

cognitive function S1115

cognitive memory S1107

collagen S81

collision S563

colon S1929

color information S1773

color space S1773

committee S1821

common spatial pattern S1523

comparative proteomic methods S2083

compliance S757

composite S95

compressive sensing (CS) S1685

compressive strength S9

computational epigenetics S1917

computational fluid dynamics S299

computed tomography (CT) S1037, S1685

computer information processing S1249

computer simulations S739

computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) glass-fiber S519

computer-aided diagnosis S1283, S1813

conductivity S429

cone-beam CT S1659

conical spring S207

contact guidance S155

continuous passive motion S665

contour extraction S1501

contour propagation S1037

controller S729

copper-containing film 39

copy number aberration S1845

corneal power changes S825

coronary arterial vessel S467

correlation S1053

correlation filter S975

correlation information entropy S1953

correlational filter S1749

cortical response P1 S767

cough S547

coupled motion S637

cross evaluation and imaging S1695

cross-correlation function S1157

cross-linking reaction S95

cross-validation S1821

crystallinity 139

CT S1027

CT dose index S1659


CUDA acceleration S983

curcumin S841

curing mode S9

current density S429

curve S1297

custom-made insole S705

cytochrome c S73

damage degree S129

DC servo loop S935

DCB 149


DDFP droplet S423

de-noising S1067

decision tree S1019

decoding S1185

deformable image registration S1037

deformation S527

dental drilling S747

dental simulation S747

dentin 57, S63

derivative of hyperplane function S1813

design 57

detection of QRS-complex and R-wave S1059

detrending S1087

diabetic myocardial fibrosis S2033

dialysis patient 97

diameter S541

dictionary S1399

dielectric properties S439

dielectric spectroscopy S895

different molecular weight collagen peptides S2041

different postures S389

differentially expressed S1903

differentiation S2041

differently expressed genes (DEGs) S1929

diffusion axonal injury S1169

diffusion tensor imaging S1169, S1447

digital stereo microscope S1473

dimensionality reduction S1353

discrete Fourier transform S1891

discrete virus infection model S2187

discrete wavelet transform S1515, S1587

discriminant analysis S2011

discriminative direction S1813

disease S1763

disease diagnosis S1249

disease gene identification S1797

displacement estimation S1633

distribution-free S1045

DNA damage S1937

DNA microarray S1929

DNA-binding proteins S1883

dose S1641

dose-length product S1659

drivers’ responses S563

driving speed difference S833

drug delivery S103

drug release S81

drug-release systems S95

DTW S1095

dummy S619

DWI S1315

dynamic loading S555

dynamic loads S533

dynamic model S739

dynamically interpolated feature points S1473

dynamics S347

E-cadherin S2145

early diagnostic S1837

ease of use S1731

ECG S1059

ECG series S1095

ECoG S1053

EEG S1019, S1067, S1107, S1115, S1455

EEG periodic activity S1569

effective volume fraction S439

eigenvalue S1613

electric pulse S593

electric stimulation S189

electrical impedance S1381

electrical lesion S487

electrocardiogram (ECG) S49, S935, S1087, S1559

electroencephalograph (EEG) S935, S1135, S1149

electroencephalography (EEG) 161

electrogastrogram (EGG) S1515

electromagnetic compatibility S959

electromagnetic fields S2077

electromyogram S563

electromyography (EMG) S575

electron tomography (ET) S1409

electrophoresis release test S2049

electrospinning S89

elemental distribution imaging 1

EMG S329, S583, S705, S2155

EMG-control S861

Emotiv system S917

empirical mode decomposition (EMD) S1533

ensemble S1703

entropy S1455

entropy density S2003

environmental factor S1763

Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) S45, 115

EOG S1077

epilepsy S841, S1053

equilibrium stability S2187

equivalent electrical circuit model S779

ergonomics S871

essential tremor S803

ethanol treatment 183

event-related potential S917

evolutionary computation S1711

execution ability S1731

expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) S55

expanding porous cylinder S279

expansion ratio S279

exposure S1641

Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) S19

extracellular water (ECW) 97

extraction S1491

extreme learning machine S1855, S2025

eyetracking S811

falls S693

false-positive reduction S1541

fast marching method S1241

fatigue S889

fatty acid S2165

FEA S629

feature S1297

feature extraction S1549

feature selection S975, S1019, S1569, S1837, S1953, S2011

femoroacetabular impingement 193

FHIT S2217

fibrinogen S2241

fiducial localization error S943

field inhomogeneity S1431

filter method S1993

finite element S181

finite element analysis S519

finite element method (FEM) 89, 193, S271, S287, S527

fixed partial dentures (FPDs) S19

flexural strength S9

flexure strength S129

flow S215, S319

flow diverter S225

flower pollination algorithm S1345

fluid–structure interaction S245

fluorescence imaging S911

fMRI (function magnetic resonance imaging) S1185, S1439

focal liver lesions S1599

focused ultrasound S2083

foot pressure S583

force system S507

Fourier transform S1749

fractal dimension S1829, S1883

fractional anisotropy (FA) S1169, S1447

fractional differential operator S1325

fracture mechanics S19

frequency band selection S1523

frequency following response (FFR) S767

frequency stability S1721

fringe projection S395

frontal collision S619

frontiers in biomedical engineering S3


fully implantable hearing aid S1741

function electric stimulation S593

functional analysis S2019

functional MRI S1315

fusion S637

fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) S1009

fuzzy clustering S1863

fuzzy connectedness S1231

Fuzzy Naive Bayesian S1757

fuzzy neural network S1757

fuzzy rule S881

fuzzy sets S1045

Gabor transform S1891

gain weight 129

gait S705

gait analysis S381

gait performance S329

gait simulation S685

GALNT2 S1977

gastric spike potential S1515

GC–MS S2165

gender S497

gene S1985

gene chip S1953, S2207

gene expression data S1863, S1993

gene identification S1891

gene interaction S1929

gene polymorphisms S1977

gene selection S1993

genetic algorithm S1993

genetic programming (GP) S1711

genome sequencing S1791

geometric distortion S1431, S1623

geometric modelling 193

geometric parameters S245

glutaraldehyde 19

Golay codes S455

GPCR S1829

GPU S1027

graph theory S991

graphic processing units S739

gridding S983

GSR S1077

gyro sensor S803

H control S1945

hand exoskeleton S665

hand grip dynamometer S611

haptic S747

heart rate S497, S903

heart rate variability (HRV) S487, S1087

heat and pain sense S1001

heat transfer S279

helical graft S477

helical trajectory S1371

hematocrit S2025

hemiplegia S861

hemodynamics S225, S233, S299, S477

hemoglobin S2049

hepatitis B virus S2091, S2187

hepatocarcinoma cells S2055

hepatocellular carcinoma S1669

hepatocyte S1985

hepatotrophic factor S233

Hessian matrix S1491

heterogeneous biological tissues S439

high frequency sub-image decomposition 129

high intensity focused ultrasound S959

high order partial least squares S1805

high surface-to-volume ratio diagnostics 115

high throughput S2207

high-pass filter S1087

high-strength S181

Hilbert–Huang transformation S1883

hip S1297

hip joint 193

histopathology S1335

HIV/AIDS infection system S1945

Hough transform S1483

human body impedance S779

human head model S405

humanized rehabilitation training S655

Hu’s moment invariant S1283

hybrid surgery S637

hydrogel based on hyaluronic acid 103

hydrogen sulfide S2033

hydroxyapatite 139

hydroxyapatite scaffolds 31

hypertension S1977


ICRP 60 S1677

II curvelet transform 129

IL-6 S2069

image denoising S1275

image enhancement 129, S1325

image feature S1275

image fusion S1587

image processing S1257

image segmentation S1231, S1291

image super-resolution S1399

image texture S1275

image-guided neurosurgery S943

image-guided neurosurgery system S967

image-guided radiotherapy S1659

imbalanced classification S1855

imbalanced data learning S1541

immune function S2113

in vivo 9

inductive coupling S1741

infectious disease surveillance S45

information entropy S1883

information theory S871

infrared camera S1193

insertion force S375

inter-quartile range (IQR) S1149

interaction S811

intra-tumor heterogeneity S1845

intracoronary ultrasound (ICUS) S467

intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma S2049

intrinsic data S825

ionization chamber dosimeter S1641

IR sensor S583

irregular mesh S1417

iterative closest point S967

iterative method S1409

joint S717

joint kinematics S685

k-align S1781

k-means clustering S1059

kernel density estimation S1855

kidney repair S2133

kinematics S347

knee hyperextension S381

kurtosis S1135

L1 regularization S1389

label-free S2091, S2207

landmark S1297

Laplacian of Bilateral (LoB) S1491

laser S413

laser beam physical parameters S1001

laser Doppler imager S951

laser induced cavitation S423

laser–tissue interaction S1001

lateral resolution S1465

LC-MS/MS S2241

LDA S1185

learned dictionary S925

length S541

leukemia S1929

level set method S1291

level-set evolution S1501

lifetime prediction S129

light cured and chemical cured S9

light emitting diode S1773

light reflectance S2179

line phantom S1651

line structure S1483

linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) S1945

linguistic prediction model S881

liver S1335

liver volumetry S1361

load cell S611

load deviation S673

locking compression plate S181

logistic S1953

loss function S851

loudness S767

low frequency fluctuation S1201

lower extremity exoskeleton S729

LPS S2069

lung carcinoma S895

lung nodule detection S1213

lycium barbarum polysaccharides S81

M-SVR S575

machine learning S1821

mafft S1781

magnesium alloys S119

magnetic induction S405

magnetic induction tomography S1695

magnetic nanoparticles S103

magnetic resonance imaging S911, S1283, S1361

magnetic resonance reconstruction S983

magnetic weak zone S1741

magneto-acoustic effect S1177

major depressive disorder S917


manifold learning S1353

manual operation S375

MapReduce S1095

Markov chain S1917

mask optimization S1325

matrix metalloproteinases S2033

max label distance S1969

maximum a posteriori S1559

maximum distance S1863

MC3T3-E1 cells S2041

mean scatterer spacing S455

mechanical behavior 39

mechanical property S27, S55, S287

median S1149

medical classification S1569

medical design S347

medical image processing S1213

medical image segmentation S1345

medical image synthesis S1417

membrane S81

MEMS S1257

Mendelian disorders S1797

mental fatigue S1455

mental workload S871

mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) 103

mesh indexing S1417

metabolic energy conservation S447

metal allergy 1

methylation S2217

MF-DFA S1157

micro-resonator S1711

micro-shear bond strength S63

microarray data S1961

microfluidics 115

micromotion S533, S555

microscopic surgical procedure S173

microwave ablation S265

microwave antenna S265

milkvetch root S2113

mineral density 57

mini-implant S541

minimum variance S1613

miRNA S1763, S1903, S1985

mixing rule S439

mobile health S1731

modeling S2187

molecular docking S2233

morphological component analysis S925

motion artifact S467

motor imagery S1523

motor imagery EEG S1125

motor recovery S861

MR volumetry S1361

MRI S1275

MRI velocity mapping S257

multi-constraint S1501

multi-label classification S1969

multi-label k nearest neighbor S2003

multi-mode S357

multi-orientated water-phantom S1431

multi-thread S1791

multi-threshold image segmentation S1345

multilayer perceptron neural network S1749

multimodal contrast agent S911

multiple co-inertia S1903

multiple linear regression S447

multiple sequence alignment S1781

multisite S2003

muscle S1781

muscle force S685

muscle load S619

muscle strain S619

muscle strength imbalance S673

musculoskeletal model S593

musculoskeletal system S365

myocardial elastography (ME) S1633

myoelectric control S575

naive Bayesian S1757, S1929

nano-hydroxyapatite S197

nano-imprinting 115

nano-micelle S73

nanobubbles S911

nanoindentation 67

nanostructure S89

needle insertion S375

negative BOLD signal S1201

neighborhood mutual information S1961

neointimal hyperplasia 79

nervous tissue S2179

network S1115, S1763

neural network S1275, S1969, S2025

neuritogenesis S189

new dental implant model S555

next-generation sequencing (NGS) S1791

NF–κB S2069

NGS S1845

Ni allergy 67

NiTi alloy 67

nitric oxide S841

nitric oxide synthase S841

noise S2077

non-invasive blood glucose measurement S447

non-linear anisotropic diffusion (NAD) filter S1409

noncoding DNA S1917

noncontact cardiovascular measurement S903

nonholonomic mobile system S1125

noninvasive S413

noninvasive detection S895

norm of hand grip strength S611

normal cyclic load S129

normalized cross-correlation S1633

NTP 149

nuclear density S1335

nucleotide frequency patterns S1917

numerical analysis S215, S245, S319

numerical imaging reconstruction S1623

numerical simulation S225, S2187

obesity S1871

objective evaluation S747

obstructive sleep apnea S787

OCT S1465

off-center field S1431

one-step inverse forming S181

online assessment S655

online training S2025

open probability S2077

operation force signal S1157

optical coherence tomography S287

optical marker S1193

optimal features S1019

optimization S739, S1651

optimization configuration S507

orthodontic aligner S507

OS-ELM S2025

osteoarthritis 193

osteoblast cell 139

Otsu method S1345

outlier S1249

ovarian cancer detection S975

over-hydration 97

oxymatrine S165

P wave extraction S1559

P450 S1985

paclitaxel-eluting balloon 79


parallel S1095

paraventricular nucleus (PVN) S487

parkinsonian rigidity S2155

Parkinson’s disease S2249

partial separability (PS) model S1439

particle-induced X-ray emission analysis 1

passive perception S833

passive shortening S2155

passive stretching S2155

pathway S1871

PC12 cells S189

PCA S1821

peak searching algorithm S395

pearl extract S139

pearl powder S27

Pelger–Huet anomaly S1241

pelvic S27

pelvic asymmetry S601

pentylenetetrazol S841

perceptibility threshold S35

peroxynitrite S2241

persuasive technology S1731

pes cavus S705

PET/CT S1669

PGBL S2069

phantom 57

pharmacokinetics 79

phase S1177

phase in max-energy orientation S1265

phase shifting method S395

photoacoustic image S1223, S1483

photoplethysmography S389

physical phantom S1381

physicochemical propertiess S2003

pinhole SPECT S1371

plantar foot pressure S705

plasma radiation 183

pneumatic artificial muscles S757

point-based registration S943

poly (γ-glutamic acid) S139

polylactic acid (PLA) S147, S197

portable wireless power transmission S1721

portable X-ray machine S1641

portal vein hypertension S233

positive rate S2101

positron emission tomography (PET) S2197

post S629

post and core S519

postural balance S601

postural stability S693

postural tremor S803

Powered Gait Orthosis (PGO) S717

PP monofilament S27

PPI network S1985

prediction S1633

prediction model S871, S1805

press-stamping 115

pressure drop S477

pressure measurement S413

pressure pulse waveform S497

principal component S2011

processing S1077

procyanidins 19

progressive alignment S1781

proliferation inhibition S165

propagation algorithm S1763

proportion S1845

proprioception S693

protein microarray S2091

proteomic S2223

pseudo amino acid composition S2003

pulse blood pressure S497

pulse wave S889, S903

pulse wave characteristic values S889

PVC diagnosis S1549

QBI S991

quantification S2249

quasi-passive S647

radial basis function S1283

radial clearance 89

radiated emission S959

radiation S1937, S2259

radio frequency shielding S959

radiofrequency ablation (RFA) S271

random forest S1883

randomized location S1345

rapid prototyping S197, 341

rat S487

ratio formulas S1455

ray-tracing algorithms S1371

re-sampling S1623

real-time S1223, S1579

reconstructed imaging S1651

reconstruction S1399

reconstruction algorithm S1381

recorrelation S1633

red blood cell S2049

refractive changes S825

regenerated silk fibroin S89

region of interest S1265

region of interesting (ROI) S1491

region selection S1265

regular mesh S1417

regularization S1837

regularized S1185

rehabilitation S647, S811

rehabilitation assessment S795

rehabilitation robot S347, S381, S655

reliefF S1961

resection S1361

resin-modified glass ionomer cements S9

resonant circuit S1721

respiratory signals S1703

respiratory virus S2207

resting-state network S1201

restricted Boltzmann machines S1541

retina S287

retinal prosthesis S1257

retrospective gating S467

rheology 103

RhoA S2055

Riemerella anatipestifer S2123

rifampin S1985

ripple reduction loop S935

risk assessment S119

robo-pigeon S357

robot-assisted diaphyseal fracture reduction S365

robot-assisted system S375

robotic knee orthosis S381

robotic leg orthosis S329

robust control S1945

robust designation S851

rollator S583

row–column scheme S1579

sacral fractures S181

sample entropy (SampEn) S1149

sample entropy (SE) S1135

scalpel S173

scoliosis S1193


segmentation S1231, S1335

segmentation penalty S1009

selective filtering S1223

self-adaptive S1045

self-adaptive learning rate S1969

self-assembly S89

self-management S1731

sEMG S593, S1157

semi-supervised learning S1541

sensor S447

sensory stimulation S803

SERT inhibitor S2233

serum creatinine S851

shape memory alloy (SMA) S547

shoulder S861

signal decomposition S1805

signal-to-noise ratio S1891

signaling pathway S2083

silk fibroin S111

silver nanoparticles S111

similarity S1095

similarity measure 161

similarity solution S279

simulated prosthetic vision S1257

simulation S717, S729

simulation analysis S365

single-visit root canal treatment S311

sino-atrial node S739

sinoatrial node field potential S881, S1805

sitting S601

skin dose S1677

skin effect S429

skin health S951

skin micro-circulatory perfusion S951

skin patch test 1

sleep apnea S1703

sleep quality S1077

sleep snoring S1749

sleep staging S1149

slips S693

small-word property S1107

smoothed L0 regularization S1389

snoring S787

soft tissue modelling S207

softmax regression S1549

sonic source locating S1177

space alternating descent S1009

sparse S925

sparse auto-encoder S1549

sparse projection S1685

sparse representations S1399

sparse sampling S1439

sparse-view reconstruction S1389

spatial attention (vigilance) S833

spatial compression S1623

spatial registration S967

specific absorption rate (SAR) S405

speckle noise S1587

spectral analysis S1863

spectrophotometer S35, S1773

spectrum analysis S423

spheroids 169

spine S1193

splenic vein S233

SPR S2207

sputtering 67, 139

SRAD S1587

static imaging S1381

statistical testing S1045

steam 183

stent S215, S319

stepwise multiple regression S2249

stereo matching S1473

stereo vision S967

sterilization 183

stiffness variation S207

stochastic resonance S547

strength degradation S129

stress S527

stroke S655

stroke patient S665

structure delineation S1037

styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) S147

sub-band spectra S787

superparamagnetic S103

support vector machine S975, S1283, S1813, S1829, S2179, S2233

supra ventricular ectopic beats 49

SURF S1241

surface EMG S673, S795

surface plasma treatment 115

surface plasmon resonance S2091

surface topography S155

surgery S2179

surgical instruments S341


synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence analysis 1

synthetic aperture ultrasonic imaging S1623

system biology S1871

systolic blood pressure S497

t-coffee S1781

tactile S1001

teaching-learning-based optimization S1961

teeth 57

telestimulation system S357

temperature distribution S271

temperature rise S405

tensile property S147

texture features S1213

thermal treatment S55

three-dimensional porous S197

threshold S1067, S1891

Ti-based alloy 9

time–frequency representation 161

time–frequency analysis S423

tissue deformation patterns S207

tissue engineering 31

tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases S2033

tissue-equivalent phantom S1677

titanium 67

TLD S1677

TNF-α S2069

toe marker placement S685

tomography S1381

topology optimization S19

torque S541, S717

total disc replacement 89

total variation S1389

tracheal stent S547

tractography S991

training S693

trajectory decoding S575

trajectory planning S347

transforming growth factor beta1 S2033

transplantation S1361

Tree Augmented Naive Bayesian S1757

tremor S593

TS fuzzy model S1945

tuberculosis S1837

tuberculosis pleural effusion S2223

tumor necrosis factor-alpha S2055

tumor segmentation S1353

tumor subclone S1845

two-arm Archimedean spiral coil (TAASC) S405

tyrosine nitration S2241

ultrasonic backscattering S455

ultrasonic imaging S1223, S1483

ultrasonic irrigation S311

ultrasound S1599

ultrasound image S1265

ultrasound imaging S911, S1587, S1613

ultrasound-triggered phase transition S911

uncertain S1249

uniform design S533, S555

uniform re-sampling S983

unrecognized spatial disorientation S1115

upper limb rehabilitation system S795

ureter S215, S319

user evaluation S747

UV irradiation 183

UVB irradiation S139

variable-order S1325

vascular endothelial function S1871

vascular extracellular matrix (vECM) 19

vector method S1177

ventricular ectopic beats 49

video capsule endoscope S1721

virtual deployment S225

virtual reality S747

virtual screening S2233

visual cognition S833

visual display terminal (VDT) S889

visual search S1455

vitamin E S2133

volume pulse wave parameters S389

vortex dynamic S245

voxel-driven system model S1371

wall shear stress S245

wave propagation S527

wavelet S1703

wavelet entropy S1053, S1283

wavelet packet S1067, 1515

wavelet transform 129, S1059

wear 89

weights S1757

whole body vibration S673

whole slide image S1335

whole-exome sequencing S1797

WIF-1 S2145

wireless charging pillow S1741

Wnt-1 S2145

wound healing S111

wound infection S111

wound synthesis S1417

Yinzhihuang S2123

zero-force interaction S729

Zimmer implant S533