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3rd Joint Meeting of The European Society for Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation (ESCHM), The International Society for Clinical Hemorheology (ISCH) and The International Society of Biorheology (ISB)

The three societies ESCHM (The European Society for Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation), ISCH (The International Society for Clinical Hemorheology) and ISB (The International Society of Biorheology) have their own activities and historical background. These societies have held their first joined scientific meeting in Europe (in Krakau headed by M. Fornal in 2018), followed by the second meeting in Japan (the Fukuoka online meeting headed by T. Maruyama). After the outstanding success of the 1st and 2nd Joint Meeting, the 3rd Joint Meeting is taking place in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany on September 28 - 30, 2023.

Now, it is our great pleasure to welcome you in Regensburg. As in the previous conferences, we aim to cover a wide range of topics in hemorheology, biorheology and microcirculation from basic experiments to computation flow visualization and clinical investigations.

Notably, we will also delve into the realms of imaging, cell therapy, and tissue engineering.

Such overarching scientific meetings provide opportunities for intense interaction and to share ideas and experiences with many international scientists. Our aims encompass the following:

  • To promote excellence in the field of microcirculation, hemorheology and biorheology, cell therapy and tissue engineering.

  • To provide a platform for discussing unsolved theoretical and practical questions.

  • To disseminate information about research advances in the related fields.

  • To bridge gaps between expansion of basic science information and its clinical practice and application.

  • To make it possible for the industry to meet opinion leaders and outstanding experts in the related fields.

  • To update regional participants on pressing clinical and technological questions today.

  • To identify, debate and promote innovative treatment strategies to reduce the incidence of clinical problems of hemorrhage, hemolysis, hemostasis and thrombosis.

As part of the ESCHM-ISCH-ISB meeting in Regensburg, Germany in 2023, the three societies will be supporting an Early Investigators session that will bring together early- to mid-career researchers in our field to build relationships and collaborations on 27th September - one day prior to the main meeting. As an awardee, a short talk during the Early Investigators session will be provided, and an award will be presented during the closing ceremony of the main meeting.

The conference counted more than 250 participants from all over the world: France, Poland, Great Britain, Hungary, Portugal, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Georgia, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Senegal, Rwanda, Iran, South Korea, Myanmar, Japan, China, Russia. A high-level scientific program could be assembled with excellent key note lectures, oral scientific presentations and posters.

The congress is under the patronage of the German Society for Surgery, the German Society for Plastic Surgery, and the European Society for Ultrasound.

During fruitful discussions new scientific questions arose and new opportunities of networking were initiated. We wish to thank all participants and speakers for this fantastic conference.

Friedrich Jung and Lukas Prantl
