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The role of critical shear stress on acute coronary syndrome


Increased aggregation of RBC is associated with many vascular diseases, including acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Critical shear-stress (CSS) as in index of red cell aggregation is defined as either the minimum shear-stress required dispersing the aggregates. The objective of this study is to access the role of CSS in ACS comparing to SA, and to evaluate the correlation with usual biomarkers for atherosclerosis such as fibrinogen, hs-CRP. 169 SA and 223 ACS patients were finally enrolled. A detailed medical history and laboratory data were obtained for each participant from clinical records. CSS is measured by simultaneous measurement of shear stress and light backscattering using a small disposable kit with a microfluidic hemorheometer. We hypothesized that higher value of CSS might be associated increased thrombosis in ACS. As results, relatively younger age was shown and more male in ACS patients, and inflammatory markers (WBC, hs-CRP) were higher in ACS. Whole blood viscosities were significantly higher in ACS than SA along at all shear rates. CSS was 25.7% higher in ACS (333.8 ± 147.8) than in SA (265.4 ± 149.9 mPa) (p < 0.001). CSS was highly correlated white blood cell counts, hs-CRP, fibrinogen, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Among those variables, fibrinogen, and ESR were strongly correlated with CSS. We may suggest that CSS could be used as a novel risk marker for ACS.