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Bladder Cancer - Volume Pre-press, issue Pre-press

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Price: EUR N/A
ISSN 2352-3727 (P)
ISSN 2352-3735 (E)

Bladder Cancer is an international multidisciplinary journal aiming to facilitate progress in understanding the epidemiology, etiology, molecular genetics, pathogenesis, pathobiology and pharmacology of tumors of the bladder and upper urinary tract with the objective of improving diagnosis, treatment and survivorship in patients. 

The journal is directed primarily at researchers and clinicians working on these areas, with some content aimed at patients/patient advocates with these conditions. With this objective in mind, the journal publishes original research reports, systematic and regular reviews, short communications, and letters-to-the-editor in basic science, translational research and clinical medicine. The journal is committed to the highest ethical standards and best practices, and prospective authors are encouraged to consult the relevant author instructions and policies on the website at the time of submission as these are updated regularly to reflect changing guidelines.

Challenging Cases in Urothelial Cancer: Case 33