Authors: Villasante, C. | del Hoyo, I. | Pagola, I. | Sánchez, M. | Aranzabe, E.
Article Type:
Research Article
A solar active envelope module with a high flexibility degree is proposed in this paper. The transparent module controls the day-lighting of the room, improving the indoor environment, while absorbing the superfluous solar energy inside. That energy is used to increase the efficiency of heating, ventilation, and the air-conditioning (HVAC) system of the building. This is carried out through a fine control of the absorptance of the envelope module. The active envelope module consists of three glazed chambers with advanced coatings and frames to assure a minimum thermal transmittance while allowing transparency. A fluid containing heat-absorbing nanoparticles flows inside the
…central chamber and is heated up due to the impinging solar energy. Unlike other systems proposed in the past, which included transparency control systems based on complex filters and chemical processes, the absorption of the module is controlled by the variation of the thickness of the central chamber with a mechanical device. That is, varying the thickness of the central chamber, it allows controlling the absorptance of the whole system and, as a result, indoor day-lighting and thermal loads. Therefore, a new system is proposed that enables to:• Dynamically control the thermal loads and solar day-lighting. • Improve the thermal performance of building envelope and reduce the energy demand of the building. • Increase the solar fraction of the heating and cooling, and reduce the thermal losses improving the efficiency of the building. Dynamically control the thermal loads and solar day-lighting. Improve the thermal performance of building envelope and reduce the energy demand of the building. Increase the solar fraction of the heating and cooling, and reduce the thermal losses improving the efficiency of the building. The solar active device proposed in this article is protected by a Spanish patent application (Fundación Tekniker, Fundación CENER-CIEMAT, 2014 ).
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Keywords: Solar collector facade, architectural module, adaptive envelope, absorptance regulation, indoor comfort, dynamic control, thermal loads reduction
DOI: 10.3233/FDE-150034
Citation: Journal of Facade Design and Engineering,
vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 49-57, 2015