Affiliations: Abteilung für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie,
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Hauptstraße 5, 79104 Freiburg,
[email protected], Tel: +49 761 270 69810 | Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für
Schmerzmedizin, Algesiologikum, Heßstraße 22, 80799 München,
[email protected], Tel: +49 89 2122862, Fax: +49 89 2122822 | Abteilung für Rehabilitationspsychologie und
Psychotherapie Institut für Psychologie, Universität Freiburg,
Engelbergerstraße 41, 79085 Freiburg, [email protected], Tel: +49 761 2032122
Note: [] Korrespondenzadresse: Dr. Hanna Scholz, Dipl. Psych., Abteilung
für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg,
Goebenstraße 21, Wiesbaden. Tel.: 0178 / 6492549; Email:
[email protected]
Abstract: In this overview, the common neurologic disease restless legs
syndrome (RLS), its diagnosis, the psychosocial impairment and treatment
options are presented. The pathophysiology of the disorder has not yet been
clarified sufficiently. RLS is associated with a clinically relevant
psychosocial impairment. In addition to a reduction in quality of life,
increased prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders are reported. Curative
treatments are not yet available. First-line therapies comprise mainly dopamine
agonists and levodopa. Anticonvulsants reduce RLS symptoms in the majority of
patients, but are off-label in Germany. Opioids also show good efficacy, but
have been studied so far only in small populations. Patients may experience a
loss of efficacy and a worsening of symptoms during dopaminergic treatment. In
patients with insufficient improvement during drug therapy or relevant
psychosocial impairments, cognitive behavioral as well as mindfulness and
acceptance-based interventions can improve quality of life of the affected patients.
Keywords: Restless legs syndrome, diagnosis, psychosocial impairment, treatment, depression, coping