Author Index Volume 97 (2016)
Albanez, D.A.F., H.J. Nussenzveig Lopes and E.S. Titi, Continuous data assimilation for the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes-α model (1,2) 139–164
Babich, P.V. and V.B. Levenshtam, Direct and inverse asymptotic problems with high-frequency terms (3,4) 329–336
Dai, M., E. Feireisl, E. Rocca, G. Schimperna and M.E. Schonbek, On asymptotic isotropy for a hydrodynamic model of liquid crystals (3,4) 189–210
Dell’Antonio, G. and A. Michelangeli, Schrödinger operators on half-line with shrinking potentials at the origin (1,2) 113–138
Delourme, B., K. Schmidt and A. Semin, On the homogenization of thin perforated walls of finite length (3,4) 211–264
Dittrich, J., P. Exner, C. Kühn and K. Pankrashkin, On eigenvalue asymptotics for strong δ-interactions supported by surfaces with boundaries (1,2) 1– 25
Exner, P., see Dittrich, J. (1,2) 1– 25
Feireisl, E., see Dai, M. (3,4) 189–210
Hamza, M.A., The blow-up rate for strongly perturbed semilinear wave equations in the conformal regime without a radial assumption (3,4) 351–378
Hille, S., K. Horbacz, T. Szarek and H. Wojewódka, Law of the iterated logarithm for some Markov operators (1,2) 91–112
Horbacz, K., see Hille, S. (1,2) 91–112
Klein, M. and E. Rosenberger, Agmon estimates for the difference of exact and approximate Dirichlet eigenfunctions for difference operators (1,2) 61– 89
Klevtsovskiy, A.V. and T.A. Mel’nyk, Asymptotic expansion for the solution to a boundary-value problem in a thin cascade domain with a local joint (3,4) 265–290
Kühn, C., see Dittrich, J. (1,2) 1– 25
Levenshtam, V.B., see Babich, P.V. (3,4) 329–336
Matei, B., Exact reconstruction of the nonnegative measures using model sets (3,4) 291–299
Mel’nyk, T.A., see Klevtsovskiy, A.V. (3,4) 265–290
Michelangeli, A., see Dell’Antonio, G. (1,2) 113–138
Mohammed, M. and M. Sango, Homogenization of Neumann problem for hyperbolic stochastic partial differential equations in perforated domains (3,4) 301–327
Nussenzveig Lopes, H.J., see Albanez, D.A.F. (1,2) 139–164
Pankrashkin, K., see Dittrich, J. (1,2) 1– 25
Perjan, A. and G. Rusu, Convergence estimates for some abstract linear second order differential equations with two small parameters (3,4) 337–349
Rocca, E., see Dai, M. (3,4) 189–210
Rosenberger, E., see Klein, M. (1,2) 61– 89
Rusu, G., see Perjan, A. (3,4) 337–349
Sango, M., see Mohammed, M. (3,4) 301–327
Schimperna, G., A. Segatti and S. Zelik, On a singular heat equation with dynamic boundary conditions (1,2) 27– 59
Schimperna, G., see Dai, M. (3,4) 189–210
Schmidt, K., see Delourme, B. (3,4) 211–264
Schonbek, M.E., see Dai, M. (3,4) 189–210
Segatti, A., see Schimperna, G. (1,2) 27– 59
Semin, A., see Delourme, B. (3,4) 211–264
Szarek, T., see Hille, S. (1,2) 91–112
Titi, E.S., see Albanez, D.A.F. (1,2) 139–164
Wojewódka, H., see Hille, S. (1,2) 91–112
Yamazaki, T., Asymptotically free property of the solutions of an abstract linear hyperbolic equation with time-dependent coefficients (1,2) 165–187
Zelik, S., see Schimperna, G. (1,2) 27– 59