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Brain Plasticity - Volume 1, issue 1

open access

Open Access

ISSN 2213-6304 (P)
ISSN 2213-6312 (E)

This journal has discontinued. Volume 9 was the last complete volume of Brain Plasticity.

Brain Plasticity publishes peer-reviewed Original Articles, Reviews and Short Communications on all aspects of neurogenesis, gliogenesis and synaptic plasticity, from development to the adult. 

This includes research articles or reviews on modifications to neural circuits in the developing and adult brain, whether by learning or physical activity, spine formation, changes in neural structure, changes in neural networks, new cell division, as well as response of the CNS to experimental injuries, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Papers adopting fresh conceptual approaches on specification and function at the molecular and cellular levels, neural circuits, systems and behavioral levels are encouraged.

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