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We are very pleased to introduce the inaugural issue of the new journal ’Brain Plasticity’. With the increase in human lifespan, the rapid expansion of technology and our uncertain future as a species as a result of global warming, pollution or armed conflict, the need to optimize brain function from embryonic development and throughout life, and to understand the extent of the plasticity and adaptability of our nervous system is of the essence. A deeper insight into plasticity processes may also allow for expansion of the boundaries of our knowledge, culture and consciousness, in addition to promoting neural regeneration and repair. The new journal is part of IOS Press, and is devoted to the range of investigations into brain modifications resulting from interactions among intrinsic cellular pathways, the external environment and behavioral alterations. These include and are not limited to adaptive changes of the nervous system in response to development, maturation, learning, physical activity, aging, environmental exposure, nutrition, neurologicaland psychiatric diseases. Of particular interest are the cellular, molecular, biochemical and neural network changes that underlie or accompany the process of neural plasticity. The new journal is Open Access and welcomes submissions from all areas of investigation pertaining to neural plasticity from invertebrates to humans. We have an excellent editorial board, short turn-around times and rigorous manuscript review process. We will strive to give high visibility and impact to the science published in our new journal. We thank the authors of papers published in this first issue and we invite the researchers working on all aspects of neural plasticity to consider Brain Plasticity for their manuscripts.

Co-Editors in Chief

Henriette van Praag

Bernard Zalc

Xinyu Zhao