Erfolgsbedingungen berufsgruppen- und institutionsübergreifender Kooperation in der psychosozialen Medizin aus
Sicht der Akteure: Das "Netzwerk Essstörungen Ostalbkreis
Subtitle: Conditions for successful cooperation across professional groups and
institutions in psychosocial medicine: The "Ostalbkreis Network for
Eating Disorders (NEO)"
Affiliations: Sektion Medizinische Organisationspsychologie,
Institut fürMedizinische Psychologie, Zentrum Psychosoziale Medizin der
Universität Heidelberg | Klinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, Ostalb-Klinikum Aalen
Note: [] Korrespondenzadresse: Dr. Christoph Abel, Sektion Medizinische
Organisationspsychologie, Zentrum Psychosoziale Medizin der Universität
Heidelberg, Bergheimer Straße 20, 69115 Heidelberg. Tel.: 06221 56 8138;
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Objectives: The conditions for successful cooperation in medical
networks were analysed using the example of the Netzwerk Essst?rungen im
Ostalbkreis e. V. (NEO; Ostalbkreis Network for Eating Disorders). The
questions under investigation were: What motivates participants to join the
network? Which expectations were fulfilled and which disappointments were
faced? Which strategies of communication and cooperation proved to be of value?
What types of miscommunication and conflicts arose? Methods: The Network
participants were polled using a method-mix of issue-focussed qualitative
interviews and quantitative questionnaires. Results: The results show that
non-monetary motives and benefits turned out to be far more important than
economic interests. There is little tolerance for excessive bureaucracy. It is
apparent that not all participants have the same benefit from, or satisfaction with the program. Conclusion: Being part of a medical network may have
beneficial "side effects" relevant for stress relief
and work satisfaction: participants can feel integrated, competent, valued and
experience joy while cooperating. A wellestablished cooperation structure seems
to be more adequate for building new medical networks than a merely formal
association in integrated system of care.
Keywords: networks in psychosocial medicine, successful cooperation, eating disorders