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Retraction to: Tourism management in financial crisis and industry 4.0 effects: Managers traits for technology adoption in reshaping, and reinventing human management systems

IOS Press has retracted the following publication from its online content:

[Human Systems Management, online ahead of print (2023), pp. 1-18. DOI: 10.3233/HSM-230067]

Tourism management in financial crisis and industry 4.0 effects: Managers traits for technology adoption in reshaping, and reinventing human management systems

Jaffar Abbasa, *, Saqib Rehmanb, *, Osama Aldereaic, Khalid Ibrahim Al-Sulaitid and Syed Ale Raza Shahe

aSchool of Media and Communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

bLahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan

cResearch Department of Bait Al Mashura Finance Consultants, Doha, Qatar

dAl Rayyan International University College in partnership with University of Derby UK, Doha, Qatar

eSchool of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiao Tong University, Xian, China

This paper is retracted due to citation misuse. The article has appeared briefly in the pre-press section of the journal and is now appended to this retraction notice.

The authors did not agree to the retraction.