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Call for papers

HSM’s call for research manuscripts

High technology is challenging business enterprises to emerge into truly societal human systems. Such systems emerge by themselves, each time purposeful human beings interact with required systemic structures, for example, the bicycles and computers we interact with, purposefully.

Human Systems Management (HSM) is responding pro-actively to this challenge. Building on the pioneering work of its founder, Dr. Milan Zeleny, HSM’s Editorial Board is delighted to issue this call for research manuscripts that concern, of course, human systems management.

Not long ago, we, the people, mutated from mere ‘persons’ into ‘human beings’. Has the formal definition, however, of what a true system is – and what is not – also evolved or is this definition much more resilient, much more robust, than that of a human being?

One stumbles on the word ‘system’ so frequently today, as if all things around us truly were systems, standing together unwaveringly steadfast, yet mostly under régimented constructs that produce an illusion of organization, namely those hierarchically bureaucratic (HB) ladders or pyramids of central authority and power. Their iffy, left-center-right particracy dogmas cause each successive ‘crisis’, wherein what ‘the markets’ will is what a few lustful for authority and power tyrants will.

Can these obstinate business and economic failures end, without firms’ exploring the coherently viable alternative of unified, whole systemic structures, which substitute the inappropriate technology of central authority and power, with the high technology of collegial control and responsibility? Can ‘special’ kinds of systems also help, namely autopoietic, self-managed and self-organized systems, just to name a few?

How can régimented HB constructs ever be true systems, without being autopoietic, self-emergent and self-managed? Namely exactly how can a truly natural, societal human system be exogenously designed and managed, outside the spheres of allegory and science fiction?

When starkly juxtaposed with the word ‘management’, as in ‘systems management’, a notion both statically complicated and dynamically complex comes alive. Add human purposefulness to systems management and voilà: the ‘human systems management’ notion comes to light.

HSM seeks research manuscripts that assess the self-emergence process of business enterprises into the collegially societal human systems that new, high-technology goods and services require. Developing such goods and services also necessitates high-technology strategies and structures, which reciprocally support and are supported by the functional, business and corporate spheres of each business enterprise.

All submitted manuscripts must reduce the anxiety caused by linguistic ambiguity. And they must contribute to the development of truly organizational, high-technology strategies and structures, which business enterprises both need and seek actively, not only to survive but also to prosper.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscript electronically to the journal’s Editorial Manage-ment System ( For detailed instructions please visit

Nicholas C. Georgantzas

Editor-in-Chief Human Systems Management

Professor, Management Systems

Director, System Dynamics Advisory
