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Use of color lights for the detection of anomalies in quality systems


The importance of eye care in the industry is a first level topic, due to most of the assembly and manufacturing aimed companies of various products that require direct health care of their employees, specially eye care. The lighting system, the lamp features and job tasks are factors that impact over the visual performance of the worker. Each of these factors, either by themselves or in conjunction, influences the visual performance of the employee, and therefore its safety and efficacy. Some of the reported symptoms are: problem of visual fixation, eye redness, tearing, headache, blurred vision, eyelids heaviness and dry eyes, [7]. The research was developed with 48 people, 27 male and 21 female, in the range of ages of 17 to 58 years old. In the experiment were used illumination system base on Diode Emitting lights (LED's) of five different colors (White, Blue, Green, Red and Yellow), the reason of use of LED's it is because are source of monochromatic light, also it is also saving power light and low heating dissipation.