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Author Index Volume 52 (2015)

The issue number is given in front of the pagination

Aazami, S., S. Akmal and K. Shamsuddin, A model of work-family conflict and well-being among Malaysian working women (3) 687–695

Abaraogu, U.O., U.A.C. Okafor, A.O. Ezeukwu and S.E. Igwe, Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal discomfort and its impact on activity: A survey of beverage factory workers in Eastern Nigeria (3) 627–634

Abbasi, S.A., see Rukh, L. (1) 137–152

Abdel-aziem, A.A., see Mosaad, D.M. (1) 203–209

Abt, J.P., see Nagai, T. (3) 715–722

Adeyemi, A.J., J.M. Rohani and M.R.A. Rani, Interaction of body mass index and age in muscular activities among backpack carrying male schoolchildren (3) 677–686

Akmal, S., see Aazami, S. (3) 687–695

Akyüz, A., see Seven, M. (1) 195–201

Albin, T.J. and P. Vink, An empirical description of the dispersion of 5th and 95th percentiles inworldwide anthropometric data applied to estimating accommodation with unknown correlation values (1) 3–10

Ali, A., O. Erenstein and D.B. Rahut, Impact of gender participation in non-farming activities on household income and poverty levels in Pakistan (2) 345–351

Alkhatib, A., High prevalence of sedentary risk factors amongst university employees and potential health benefits of campus workplace exercise intervention (3) 589–595

Allen, J.D., see Nelson, C.C. (1) 169–176

Allie, P., see Bartha, M.C. (2) 329–342

Alves, A.C., see Arezes, P.M. (1) 57–70

Anastasi, D., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Antonio, E.L., see Serra, A.J. (2) 441–446

Arezes, P.M., J. Dinis-Carvalho and A.C. Alves, Workplace ergonomics in lean production environments: A literature review (1) 57–70

Arpesella, M., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Arthur, A., see Kiernan, M.D. (4) 921–934

Aulck, L., see Kim, J.H. (2) 231–244

Bacci, S., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Bahar, M., see Seven, M. (1) 195–201

Barkhordari, A., see Giahi, O. (3) 657–662

Bartha, M.C., P. Allie, D. Kokot and C.P. Roe, Field observations of display placement requirements and character size for presbyopic and prepresbyopic computer users (2) 329–342

Beach, T.A.C., see Frost, D.M. (1) 11–18

Beach, T.A.C., see Frost, D.M. (4) 835–842

Belanger-Gardner, D., see Nowrouzi, B. (1) 115–122

Berg, C., see Metzinger, C. (3) 605–615

Bergman, D., I. Liljefors and K. Palm, The effects of dialogue groups on physicians’ work environment: A matter of gender? (2) 407–417

Bernardes, R.A.B., L.D. Chiavegato, M.V. de Moraes, A. Negreiros and R.S. Padula, Lung function and functional capacity among foundry workers using effective risk control measures (3) 581–587

Bertoncello, C., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Bezyak, J., see Chiu, C.-Y. (4) 749–756

Bianco, A., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Bigelow, P.L., see Woodhall-Melnik, J. (4) 901–909

Bishop, M. and P.D. Rumrill, Multiple sclerosis: Etiology, symptoms, incidence and prevalence, and implications for community living and employment (4) 725–734

Bishop, M., P.D. Rumrill, Jr and R.T. Roessler, Quality of life among people with multiple sclerosis: Replication of a three-factor prediction model (4) 757–765

Bishop, M., see Fong, M.W.M. (4) 767–776

Bishop, M., see Li, J. (4) 789–797

Björklund, A., see Jansson, I. (1) 153–167

Björn, C., M. Josephson, B. Wadensten and D. Rissén, Prominent attractive qualities of nurses’ work in operating room departments: A questionnaire study (4) 877–889

Blacklock, R.E., T.J. Reilly, M. Spivock, P.S. Newton and S.M. Olinek, Standard Establishment Through Scenarios (SETS): A new technique for occupational fitness standards (2) 375–383

Bloswick, D.S., see Merryweather, A.S. (3) 707–713

Bocalini, D.S., see Serra, A.J. (2) 441–446

Bradley, S.M., see White, M.I. (2) 353–373

Brandi, G., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Brito, W.F., see Serra, A.J. (2) 441–446

Brkic, A., see Zunjic, A. (1) 185–194

Brkic, V.S., see Zunjic, A. (1) 185–194

Bruno Garza, J.L. and J.G. Young, A literature review of the effects of computer input device design on biomechanical loading and musculoskeletal outcomes during computer work (2) 217–230

Bruno, S., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Callaghan, J.P. see Frost, D.M. (1) 11–18

Callahan, J., G. Harrison, M. Humphrey, C. Sielaff and M. Wintrow, The decision, implementation and assessment of a credit-bearing activity class by faculty in residence: A case study (3) 481–489

Callahan, J., see Humphrey, M. (3) 497–501

Carraro, E., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Carter, L., see Nowrouzi, B. (1) 115–122

Chan, F., see Chiu, C.-Y. (4) 749–756

Chen, Y.-L. and W.-K. Chiou, Comparison of static lifting capacity between experienced and novice Taiwanese female workers (3) 549–558

Chiavegato, L.D., see Bernardes, R.A.B. (3) 581–587

Chinnery, A.E. Job dictionaries can make a difference in early return to work (RTW) for workers (4) 953–954

Chiou, W.-K., see Chen, Y.-L. (3) 549–558

Chiu, C.-Y., F. Chan, S.E. Sharp, A. Dutta, E. Hartman and J. Bezyak, Employment as a health promotion intervention for persons with multiple sclerosis (4) 749–756

Choudhary, M.A., see Rukh, L. (1) 137–152

Cichocki, B., The alliance in psychiatric rehabilitation: Client characteristics associated with the initial alliance in a supported employment program (4) 811–824

Clark, N.C., see Nagai, T. (3) 715–722

Coetzee, Z., see Niekerk, L.V. (4) 825–833

Cooke, M., see Woodhall-Melnik, J. (4) 901–909

Crosby, I., see Frost, D.M. (4) 835–842

Daly, K., see Rumrill, P.D. (4) 735–748

Davie, S., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Davis, K.L., see Nelson, C.C. (1) 169–176

de Moraes, M.V., see Bernardes, R.A.B. (3) 581–587

de Tarso Camillo de Carvalho, P., see Serra, A.J. (2) 441–446

de Vroome, E.M.M., see van Scheppingen, A.R. (1) 45–55

Deana, A.M., see Serra, A.J. (2) 441–446

DeDios-Stern, S., see Lee, E.-J. (4) 777–787

Delgado Jr., C., see Pyatak, E.A. (3) 503–508

Dennerlein, J.T., The state of ergonomics for mobile computing technology (2) 269–277

Dhilla, S., see Healea, C.D. (3) 473–480

Di Onofrio, V., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Díaz, J., see Pyatak, E.A. (3) 503–508

Dickerson, D.E., see Weidman, J. (4) 865–876

Dickins, K., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Diener, M., see Dunn, L. (2) 457–468

Dinis-Carvalho, J., see Arezes, P.M. (1) 57–70

Doig, A.K., see Merryweather, A.S. (3) 707–713

dos Santos Gasparato, F., see Quemelo, P.R.V. (3) 533–540

dos Santos, L.F.N., see Serra, A.J. (2) 441–446

Dropkin, J., J. Moline, P.M. Power and H. Kim, A qualitative study of health problems, risk factors, and prevention among Emergency Medical Service workers (4) 935–951

Dunn, L., M. Diener, C. Wright, S. Wright and A. Narumanchi, Vocational exploration in an extracurricular technology program for youth with autism (2) 457–468

Dutta, A., see Chiu, C.-Y. (4) 749–756

Dutta, N., T. Walton and M.A. Pereira, Experience of switching from a traditional sitting workstation to a sitstand workstation in sedentary office workers (1) 83–89

Engelbrecht, M., see Niekerk, L.V. (4) 825–833

Erdoğan, H., see Seven, M. (1) 195–201

Erenstein, O., see Ali, A. (2) 345–351

Ezeukwu, A.O., see Abaraogu, U.O. (3) 627–634

Fitzgerald, S.M., see Li, J. (4) 789–797

Flacco, M.E., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Fong, M.W.M., E.-J. Lee, K. Sheppard-Jones and M. Bishop, Home functioning profiles in people with multiple sclerosis and their relation to disease characteristics and psychosocial functioning (4) 767–776

Forchuk, C., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Frantz, J., see Wanyonyi, N. (4) 843–854

Friesen, E.L., D. Theodoros and T.G. Russell, Usability-for-one (1) 211–213

Frost, D.M., T.A.C. Beach, I. Crosby and S.M. McGill, Firefighter injuries are not just a fireground problem (4) 835–842

Frost, D.M., T.A.C. Beach, S.M. McGill and J.P. Callaghan, The predictive value of general movement tasks in assessing occupa-tional task performance (1) 11–18

Fugletveit, R., see Pettersen, K.T. (3) 635–641

Gallè, F., V. Di Onofrio, M. Arpesella, S. Bacci, A. Bianco, G. Brandi, S. Bruno, D. Anastasi, E. Carraro, M.E. Flacco, S. Giampaoli, A. Izzotti, E. Leoni, C. Bertoncello, L. Minelli, C. Napoli, C. Nobile, C. Pasquarella, G. Liguori, V.R. Spica and SItI Working Group on Movement Sciences for Health (GMSH), The role and working conditions of Movement Science students employed in sport and recreational facilities: An Italian multicenter study (2) 385–392

García-Alcaraz, J., see Maldonado-Macías, A. (2) 393–405

Gervais, P., see Merryweather, A.S. (3) 707–713

Giahi, O., B. Shahmoradi, A. Barkhordari and J. Khoubi, Visual Display Terminal use in Iranian bank tellers: Effects on job stress and insomnia (3) 657–662

Giampaoli, S., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Godfrey, N.W., see Merryweather, A.S. (3) 707–713

Gowrisankaran, S. and J.E. Sheedy, Computer vision syndrome: A review (2) 303–314

Gunnarsson, A.B., see Jansson, I. (1) 153–167

Hajwani, Z., see Niekerk, L.V. (4) 825–833

Hall, P.V., P. Montgomery, S. Davie, K. Dickins, C. Forchuk, M.S. Jeng, M. Kersey, A. Meier, P. Lahey, A. Rudnick, M. Solomon and L. Warner, Seeking and securing work: Individual-level predictors of employment of psychiatric survivors (1) 91–101

Harrison, G., see Callahan, J. (3) 481–489

Harrison, G., see Humphrey, M. (3) 497–501

Hartman, E., see Chiu, C.-Y. (4) 749–756

Healea, C.D. and R. Ribera, Rhett Talks: The development, implementation, and assessment of a faculty-in-residence program (3) 491–496

Healea, C.D., J.H. Scott and S. Dhilla, The work of faculty-in-residence: An introduction and literature review (3) 473–480

Healea, C.D., Whither goest the future of faculty-in-residence work? (3) 521–523

Hemphälä, H., see Osterhaus, W. (2) 315–328

Hernández, J.L., see Maldonado-Macías, A. (2) 393–405

Honan, M., Mobile work: Ergonomics in a rapidly changing work environment (2) 289–301

Hsu, V., see White, M.I. (2) 353–373

Huang, Y., X. Li and J. Zhang, Optimal design method to minimize users’ thinking mapping load in human-machine interactions (2) 433–440

Humphrey, M., J. Callahan and G. Harrison, Living with students: Lessons learned while pursuing tenure, administration, and raising a family (3) 497–501

Humphrey, M., see Callahan, J. (3) 481–489

Igwe, S.E., see Abaraogu, U.O. (3) 627–634

Izzotti, A., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Jansson, I., A. Björklund, K.-I. Perseius and A.B. Gunnarsson, The concept of `work ability’ from the view point of employers (1) 153–167

Jeng, M.S., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Johnson, J., see Rombough, R. (3) 509–513

Johnson, P., see Odell, D. (2) 245–253

Johnson, P.W., see Kim, J.H. (2) 231–244

Josephson, M., see Björn, C. (4) 877–889

Julian, C.H. and J.M. Valente, Psychosocial factors related to returning to work in U.S. Army Soldiers (2) 419–431

Kamp, I., S.A.T. Van Veen and P. Vink, Comfortable mobile offices: A literature review of the ergonomic aspects of mobile device use in transportation settings (2) 279–287

Karol, S. and M.M. Robertson, Implications of sit-stand and active workstations to counteract the adverse effects of sedentary work: A comprehensive review (2) 255–267

Keenan, K.A., see Nagai, T. (3) 715–722

Kersey, M., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Khoubi, J., see Giahi, O. (3) 657–662

Kiernan, M.D., J. Repper and A. Arthur, Why do they fail? A qualitative follow up study of 1000 recruits to the British Army Infantry to understand high levels of attrition (4) 921–934

Kim, H., see Dropkin, J. (4) 935–951

Kim, J.H., L. Aulck, D. Trippany and P.W. Johnson, The effects of work surface hardness on mechanical stress, muscle activity, and wrist postures (2) 231–244

Klarin, M., see Zunjic, A. (1) 185–194

Koç, A., Exercise in patients with subacute stroke: A randomized, controlled pilot study of home-based exercise in subacute stroke (3) 541–547

Koebel, C.T., see Weidman, J. (4) 865–876

Kokot, D., see Bartha, M.C. (2) 329–342

Krstic, D., see Zunjic, A. (1) 185–194

Kvas, A. and J. Seljak, Sources of workplace violence against nurses (1) 177–184

Lagacé, M., I. Nahon-Serfaty and J. Laplante, Canadian government’s framing of ageing at work and older workers: Echoing positive ageing models (3) 597–604

Lahey, P., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Landstad, B.J., see Vinberg, S. (4) 891–900

Laplante, J., see Lagacé, M. (3) 597–604

Larivière, M., see Nowrouzi, B. (1) 115–122

Lee, E.-J., J. Pieczynski, S. DeDios-Stern, C. Simonetti and G.K. Lee, Gender differences in caregiver strain, needs for support, social support, and quality of life among spousal caregivers of persons with multiple sclerosis (4) 777–787

Lee, E.-J., see Fong, M.W.M. (4) 767–776

Lee, G.K., see Lee, E.-J. (4) 777–787

Leoni, E., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Lephart, S.M., see Nagai, T. (3) 715–722

Leslie, M., see Rumrill, P.D. (4) 735–748

Li, J., S.M. Fitzgerald, M. Bishop, P.D. Rumrill and F. Wang, Disease-related and functional predictors of employment status among adults with multiple sclerosis (4) 789–797

Li, J., see Rumrill, P.D. (4) 735–748

Li, K.W., C.W. Wang and R. Yu, Modeling of predictive muscular strength for sustained one-handed carrying task (4) 911–919

Li, X., see Huang, Y. (2) 433–440

Lightfoot, N., see Nowrouzi, B. (1) 115–122

Liguori, G., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Liljefors, I., see Bergman, D. (2) 407–417

Lin, J.-D. see Lin, L.-P. (4) 803–809

Lin, L.-P., T.-Y. Wu and J.-D. Lin, Comparison of job burnout and life satisfaction between native and foreign female direct care workers in disability institutions (4) 803–809

Luna, I. and M. Terra da Silva, Service intangibility and its implications for the work coordination of primary healthcare multi-professional teams in Brazil (3) 617–626

MacEachen, E., see Saunders, S.L. (1) 103–114

MacRae, N. and K. Strout, Self-care project for faculty and staff of future health care professionals: Case report (3) 525–531

Madhu, G., see Menon, B.G. (4) 855–864

Maldonado-Macías, A., A. Realyvásquez, J.L. Hernández and J. García-Alcaraz, Ergonomic assessment for the task of repairing computers in a manufacturing company: A case study (2) 393–405

McGill, S.M., see Frost, D.M. (1) 11–18

McGill, S.M., see Frost, D.M. (4) 835–842

McGuire, L., see White, M.I. (2) 353–373

McLellan, D., see Nelson, C.C. (1) 169–176

Meier, A., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Mellor, D., K.A. Moore and Z.M.B. Siong, The role of general and specific stressors in the health and well-being of call centre operators (1) 31–43

Menon, B.G., C.J. Praveensal and G. Madhu, Determinants of job stress in chemical process industry: A factor analysis approach (4) 855–864

Merryweather, A.S., J.M. Morse, A.K. Doig, N.W. Godfrey, P. Gervais and D.S. Bloswick, Effects of bed height on the biomechanics of hospital bed entry and egress (3) 707–713

Metzinger, C. and C. Berg, Work readiness tools for young adults with chronic conditions (3) 605–615

Minelli, L., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Moline, J., see Dropkin, J. (4) 935–951

Montgomery, P., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Moore, K.A., see Mellor, D. (1) 31–43

Morrison, T.L. and R.L. Thomas, Cancer survivors’ concealment or disclosure of diagnosis: Implications for return to work (3) 643–655

Morse, J.M., see Merryweather, A.S. (3) 707–713

Mosaad, D.M. and A.A. Abdel-aziem, Backpack carriage effect on head posture and ground reaction forces in school children (1) 203–209

Murray, E., see White, M.I. (2) 353–373

Müssener, U., C. Ståhl and E. Söderberg, Does the quality of encounters affect return to work? Lay people describe their experiences of meeting various professionals during their rehabilitation process (2) 447–455

Nagai, T., J.P. Abt, T.C. Sell, K.A. Keenan, N.C. Clark, B.W. Smalley, M.D. Wirt and S.M. Lephart, Lumbar spine and hip flexibility and trunk strength in helicopter pilots with and without low back pain history (3) 715–722

Nahon-Serfaty, I., see Lagacé, M. (3) 597–604

Napoli, C., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Narumanchi, A., see Dunn, L. (2) 457–468

Naser-ud-Din, S., see Sakzewski, L. (3) 559–579

Nedelec, B., see Saunders, S.L. (1) 103–114

Negreiros, A., see Bernardes, R.A.B. (3) 581–587

Nelson, C.C., J.D. Allen, D. McLellan, N. Pronk and K.L. Davis, Integrating health promotion and occupational safety and health in manufacturing worksites: Perspectives of leaders in small-to-medium sized businesses (1) 169–176

Newton, P.S., see Blacklock, R.E. (2) 375–383

Niekerk, L.V., Z. Coetzee, M. Engelbrecht, Z. Hajwani and S. Terreblanche, Time utilisation trends of supported employment services by persons with mental disability in South Africa (4) 825–833

Nobile, C., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Nordlöf, H., K. Wijk and K.-E. Westergren, Perceptions of work environment priorities: Are there any differences by company size? An ecological study (3) 697–706

Nowrouzi, B., N. Lightfoot, L. Carter, M. Larivière, E. Rukholm, R. Schinke and D. Belanger-Gardner, Work ability and work-related stress: A cross-sectional study of obstetrical nurses in urban northeastern Ontario (1) 115–122

Nylén, P., see Osterhaus, W. (2) 315–328

Odell, D. and P. Johnson, Evaluation of flat, angled, and vertical computer mice and their effects on wrist posture, pointing performance, and preference (2) 245–253

Ogutu, J. and W. Park, The relationship between perceived discomfort of static posture holding and posture holding time (1) 19–30

Ogutu, J., W. Park and M. Son, An investigation on inter-individual variation in perceived discomfort of static posture holding (1) 123–136

Okafor, U.A.C., see Abaraogu, U.O. (3) 627–634

Olinek, S.M., see Blacklock, R.E. (2) 375–383

Osterhaus, W., H. Hemphälä and P. Nylén, Lighting at computer workstations (2) 315–328

Padula, R.S., see Bernardes, R.A.B. (3) 581–587

Palm, K., see Bergman, D. (2) 407–417

Park, W., see Ogutu, J. (1) 123–136

Park, W., see Ogutu, J. (1) 19–30

Pasquarella, C., see Gallè, F. (2) 385–392

Pereira, M.A., see Dutta, N. (1) 83–89

Perseius, K.-I., see Jansson, I. (1) 153–167

Pettersen, K.T. and R. Fugletveit, “Should we talk about it?”: A study of the experiences business leaders have of employing people with mental health problems (3) 635–641

Pieczynski, J., see Lee, E.-J. (4) 777–787

Power, P.M., see Dropkin, J. (4) 935–951

Praveensal, C.J., see Menon, B.G. (4) 855–864

Pronk, N., see Nelson, C.C. (1) 169–176

Pyatak, E.A., J. Díaz and C. Delgado Jr., Engage/Trojan Neighbors: A community service partnership between an academic division and residential community (3) 503–508

Quemelo, P.R.V., F. dos Santos Gasparato and E.R. Vieira, Prevalence, risks and severity of musculoskeletal disorder symptoms among administrative employees of a Brazilian company (3) 533–540

Rahut, D.B., see Ali, A. (2) 345–351

Rani, M.R.A., see Adeyemi, A.J. (3) 677–686

Realyvásquez, A., see Maldonado-Macías, A. (2) 393–405

Reilly, T.J., see Blacklock, R.E. (2) 375–383

Repper, J., see Kiernan, M.D. (4) 921–934

Ribera, R., see Healea, C.D. (3) 491–496

Rissén, D., see Björn, C. (4) 877–889

Robertson, M.M., see Karol, S. (2) 255–267

Roe, C.P., see Bartha, M.C. (2) 329–342

Roessler, R.T., see Bishop, M. (4) 757–765

Roessler, R.T., see Rumrill, P.D. (4) 735–748

Rohani, J.M., see Adeyemi, A.J. (3) 677–686

Rombough, R. and J. Johnson, Faculty-Mentor-in-Rez: The development of a new faculty-in-residence model (3) 509–513

Romild, U., see Vinberg, S. (4) 891–900

Rudnick, A., see Hall, P.V. (1) 91–101

Rukh, L., M.A. Choudhary and S.A. Abbasi, Analysis of factors affecting employee satisfaction: A case study from Pakistan (1) 137–152

Rukholm, E., see Nowrouzi, B. (1) 115–122

Rumrill, Jr., P.D., R.T. Roessler, J. Li, K. Daly and M. Leslie, The employment concerns of Americans with multiple sclerosis: Perspectives from a national sample (4) 735–748

Rumrill, P.D., see Bishop, M. (4) 725–734

Rumrill, Jr., P.D., see Bishop, M. (4) 757–765

Rumrill, P.D., see Li, J. (4) 789–797

Russell, T.G., see Friesen, E.L. (1) 211–213

Saidi, H., see Wanyonyi, N. (4) 843–854

Sakzewski, L. and S. Naser-ud-Din, Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Australian dentists and orthodontists: Risk assessment and prevention (3) 559–579

Sánchez-Medina, A.J., see Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara, P. (1) 71–81

Santana, E.T., see Serra, A.J. (2) 441–446

Saunders, S.L., E. MacEachen and B. Nedelec, Understanding and building upon effort to return to work for people with long-term disability and job loss (1) 103–114

Schinke, R., see Nowrouzi, B. (1) 115–122

Schulman, B.A., see Sears, J.M. (3) 663–676

Schultz, I.Z., see White, M.I. (2) 353–373

Schulz, W., see White, M.I. (2) 353–373

Scott, J.H., see Healea, C.D. (3) 473–480

Sears, J.M., T.M. Wickizer and B.A. Schulman, Expanding vocational retraining options for injured workers: An experiment in worker choice (3) 663–676

Seljak, J., see Kvas, A. (1) 177–184

Sell, T.C., see Nagai, T. (3) 715–722

Serra, A.J., W.F. Brito, E.L. Antonio, E.T. Santana, D.S. Bocalini, L.F.N. dos Santos, A.M. Deana, C. Sobral de Melo Rambo, P. de Tarso Camillo de Carvalho, J.A. Silva Jr and P.J.F. Tucci, To be or not to be physically active: Insights for a real chance to have an appropriate body mass in a sample of teachers (2) 441–446

Seven, M., M. Bahar, A. Akyüz and H. Erdoğan, How group education impacts female factory workers’ behavior and readiness to receive mammography and Pap smear (1) 195–201

Shahmoradi, B., see Giahi, O. (3) 657–662

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