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The prevalence of low back pain and risk factors in academic teaching staff at King Abdulaziz University Jeddah:\\ A cross-sectional study

Price: EUR 27.50

The prevalence of low back pain and risk factors

What is it about?

This study estimated the prevalence of LBP among academic teaching staff at King Abdulaziz University, as well as to identify its socio-demographic and work-related risk factors. The findings of this study have shown that there is a major problem of low back pain among academic staff at King Abdulaziz University and that the situation in other higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia is changing.

Why is it important?

To date, few studies have been carried out among the university’s academic teaching staff in developing countries, while teachers are a high-riskLBPcommunity. To the authors’ knowledge, there have been no published studies in Saudi Arabia that have estimated risk factors for LBP among teaching staff. They have conducted only a fewstudies in the faculty of dentists, particularly in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

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Amr Abdel-aziem