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Difficulties related to work in the certification process for organic production


This study discusses issues related to work in the certification process of Organic Production Units (OPU). Data was collected from ten producers in the region of Campinas, Sao Paulo Brazil, which represent the majority of producers of certified organic vegetables and fruits. The methodology used was an adaptation of Ergonomic Work Analysis method, and structured interviews. As OPU are small and most people perform many tasks related to the various work systems, there is little specialization. Their activities are uncomfortable, awkward physical postures and significant efforts are necessary to perform the work in horticulture. Tasks are predominantly manual and just a few of them can count on the help of mechanization. The certification process and it's maintenance have several implications for farmers, on top of the paperwork, there is an universe of work already so full of activities demanded by the production and marketing systems. The complex context of production, mainly because of its diversity, associated with lack of financial resources and technology, demands from organic farmers to build multiple strategies for business survival. Certification can, contrary to what is expected represent another barrier to the expansion of organic production.