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Development of good practices database of European regions for prevention of work related musculoskeletal disorders: TIAM project


Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are extremely common health problem and have important consequences for the individual and the society which are affecting millions of European workers across all employment sectors. One of the main objectives of TIAM is to collect good practices in prevention of WMSDs and disseminate the good practice to all the regions. Three documents related to collect good practices (Good practices definition, Good practices report form and Questionnaire form for regional policy) had been sent to all the participant regions. Good practices and successful experiences or innovations in WMSDs prevention have been collected from 5 European regions. A good practice database has been developed based on 8 categories: TIAM region; Sector; Topic; WMSDs relevance; Work activities; Risk assessment methodology; Results of reassessment and Impact on performance. Finally, the database has been successfully uploaded onto the website ( in order to share knowledge and promote good practices in WMSDs prevention. Collecting good practices based on a collaborative platform for preventing WMSDs will not only help companies improve and maintain healthy and safe working conditions, but will also promote the creation of new solutions in the field of WMSD and injuries prevention.