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Risk assessment in the maintenance operations of health equipments


The Human activity is always associated with a probability of risk exposure that have to be eliminated or kept in an acceptable level. The acceptable level concept depends on the self evaluation in function of different subjective and objective factors, being extremely important to quantify objectively the risk. The risk assessment permits to get the knowledge of the working interactions that have to be studied and determine what kind of interventions must be implemented, when and how. The maintenance activities of medical equipments such as for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialyses, involve diverse occupational risk. During this study its assessment was carried out through the SOBANE methodology - Screening Observation Analysis Expertise (in the Screening phase). The risk assessment depicts that the principal hazards those technicians are exposed are related with ergonomics, psychosocial, electrical, fall at the same level, biologics and fire. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the risk assessment during maintenance activities of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialyses equipments.