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Relationship between exposure to cement and the incidence of respiratory diseases in children: a preventive perspective


Respiratory disease in childhood is a factor of concern to health professionals, resulting in a primary determinant of lung function in adulthood. Studies indicate that people placed in areas with established industries, are exposed to pollutants from many industrial processes, thus increasing the risk of diseases. The aim was to examine the connection between exposure to cement and the incidence of respiratory diseases in the Jardins Community. It was a field study, descriptive, conducted in a community in the city of Cabedelo- PB, and result in a qualitative-quantitative approach. The sample comprised 51 children aged between 1 to 12 years who have symptoms or diagnosis of respiratory disease. The survey data was obtained by applying a semistructured interview, and analysed using chi-square, MacNemar and Mann-Whitney tests for statistical analysis. A high number of complaints about environmental pollution, small houses and subdued, lack of paving and sanitation, a high frequency of respiratory symptoms and especially the occurrence of the onset of symptoms after arrival in the community were found. There is a correlation between environmental exposure and the incidence of respiratory diseases in children; therefore the community requires specific actions to reduce the exposure.