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Analysis of the compensatory postures adopted by day caregivers through OWASOvako Working Posture Analysing System


The Ergonomic Work Analysis reports that there are many activities performed by the professional caregivers and that they are exposed to physical and psychological overload. This situation favors the emergence of pain which influences the quality of life in the work place. In this way, the objective of this study was to verify the main postural constraints adopted by caregivers in public day cares. Visits were conducted in 28 day cares aiming at performing an interview to 126 caregivers who have been working for more than 4 years. From the questionnaire it was found that 80% of the participants refer some sort of pain, being 42% in the trunk, 33% in the shoulder and 25% in the lower limbs. The data from OWAS method showed that from the total of 30 postures performed during the work One could see that the main postures adopted by the caregivers were: flexion, lateral inclination and rotation of the trunk and most of the time they are standing. These movements, when bad performed, can lead to injuries in the lower limbs, upper limbs and trunk. It's necessary more attention to these workers.Thought preventive ergonomic actions to reduce pain symptoms and promote a work in health and safety.