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Anthropometry of Algerian elderly


In Algeria, a lot of attention is given to the elderly by both the government and private institutions. On the government side, two ministries participate in caring for the elderly. These are the ministry of social development and the Ministry of public health. On the private side, a lot of effort is given to the elderly through many societies and centres. If the elderly is to live independently and self-efficiently, whether at home or in social care institutions, equipment, tools, environment, daily-use items, and personal-use items should be designed for them, so that their needs are entirely satisfied, and abilities and limitations are carefully considered. Therefore, this study was carried out to provide anthropometric data of the elderly in Algeria, so that it may be used either to design equipment for them or to evaluate it in order that its use is efficient, and safe. Therefore, An anthropometric study of Algerian elderly was carried out. 29 body dimensions were measured. Mean, variation measures, and percentiles, were calculated. Body dimensions results were presented in one table so that they can easily be used by designers.