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Ergonomic workplace analysis (EWA)


Work Related Musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) create a significant financial burden to both employer and employee that includes the cost of treatment and lost work time. There is a growing demand to implement early identification and effective prevention strategies, aimed at early intervention in employees prior to possible absenteeism due to foreseen sickness or disability. A wide range of conditions may be considered as MSDs, including myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, peripheral entrapment neuropathies (carpal or cubital tunnel syndrome), tenosynovitis, epicondylitis, and others. Several multidisciplinary rehabilitation centres such as RECOUP have developed a comprehensive, systematic and thorough medical examination protocol for WRMSD patients. The aim is to obtain anatomically precise clinical findings as a guide to therapy. These assessment protocols typically includes Questionnaire data, Physical examination protocol, Special Examination tests and Laboratory tests. A methodical medical evaluation protocol produces a patient-specific list of symptoms and coordinated physical findings. Such protocols provide a sounder basis for developing a biomechanical and ergonomic explanation for the WRMSD patient’s injuries and for planning and monitoring therapy. Importantly for the WRMSD patient, it also provides a detailed explanation of symptoms that are experienced and a logical plan for alleviating them. MWRSD patients should not be dismissed as having vague or non physiologic complaints without this type of evaluation. Objectives: This paper will discuss methods of identification of ergonomic risk factors among the workers engaged in video display terminal use which is practised at our tertiary level rehabilitation centre.