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Outcome measures and prognosis of WRMSD


Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs) are widespread in many countries, with substantial costs and impact on quality of life. WRMSDs create a significant financial burden to both employer and employee that includes the cost of treatment and lost work time. There is a growing demand to implement early identification and effective prevention strategies, aimed at early intervention in employees prior to possible absenteeism due to foreseen sickness or disability. Outcome measure of the WRMSD gives an understanding about the severity and the intensity of the problems. Before starting of the treatment it is very important to understand the gravity and seriousness of the WRMSD. Once we understand the gravity of the WRMSD the level of the treatment can be decided and optimum prescription can be made for that particular WRMSD. Objectives: This will discuss various outcome measures through which prognosis of the WRMSD can be determined and final prescription of treatment regiment can be formulated.