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Lighting old age – how lighting impacts the ability to grow old in own housing, part one


A functionally optimized housing development designed to meet the demands in different phases of living (universal design) may result in the elderly living longer in their own homes. In this study a total of 165 healthy persons were included out of a total of approximately 320 persons turning 75 years of age in 2009 living in Drammen municipality. They went through a quantitative, questionnaire-based interview (including VAS and SF-36) and 20 participants were then selected for a qualitative in depth interview. The lighting conditions in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom and staircase were measured according to a simplified procedure. The overall lighting conditions were evaluated to be rather low, with means between 35 and 121 Lux, but the quantitative interviews showed that on most questions the scores were rather low, indicating that the overall thriving is good regardless of rather low lighting values.