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An auditive protection for professional musicians


The auditory channel is one of the most affected by the activity of musicians. The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency of the Monitor of Hearing In Ear regarding prevention of the hearing loss in the activity realized by musicians. This study justifies by the need to verify a possible method of protection for these professionals. It was analyzed a group of 10 musicians of a band of dance of Santa Catarina. The methods of research were questionnaires, audiometry and analysis of the technical specifications of Monitors of Hearing In Ear. The population investigated are aged between 18–56, and time in the profession between 37 and 0,4 years. The exhibition is of, roughly, 12 hours a week during the presentations, 4,5 hours a week rehearsing in group and from 1 to 8 weekly hours of isolated rehearsal. It was observed that 40% of the population presented normal hearing thresholds for left and right ear, the sensorineural hearing loss in the left ear was ascertained in 40% and 20% presented sensorineural hearing loss in both ears. The advantage of the Monitor of Hearing In Ear is that there is the blocking of the undesirable sounds, making possible a greater audible reduction, generally between 25 and 40 dB, showing possibility to be considered a half of protection for professional musicians.