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ERGOBERÇO® (Ergonomics Crib)-Evalution of the prototype for a adaptation to safety’s variables and comfort


The crib is the infantile furniture more mentioned in infantile accidents. In spite of the existence of several models, many of them are not appropriate to their users and considered insecure. The objective of this study was to structure the prototype of ERGOBERÇO®, considering technical norms and evaluation in loco of the prototype through structured interview answered by the participants of the research. The prototype was evaluated as safer, resistant and comfortable than the crib used by the mothers and participant users of the study. The aspects with larger acceptance index were the movable grating and the compact base, defined for the users as facilitators of the use and attribute of safety of the prototype. Even the prototype having been very appraised and accept for the users, it will be necessary to restructure the prototype so that the same can still be adapted more the users’ needs, being, besides insurance and comfortable, with compatible aesthetic pattern with the expectation of these.