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How can occupational health services in Sweden contribute to work ability?


Abstract Occupational health service in Sweden is often described as an important and strategic resource to reduce work-related diseases, improve work ability and successfully assess improvement of the workplace. However, not much research has been done on how OHS contribute to reduced absence due to work-related illness or improvement of the work ability of employees. In our study, the ambition has been to describe how OHS can contribute and give effects in client companies. Fifteen companies considered to be good examples were selected in cooperation with the social partners. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with representatives of the company and OHS. The results show that efficient collaboration depend strongly on the relationship between the OHS and the company, and were highly correlated with a continuously dialogue and contact. Good occupational safety and health management at company level was a key factor for effective use of OHS. The strategic collaborations also often led to that OHSs contribution was gradually shifted from a reactive or medical focus to a more proactive approach. Several of the interviewed OHSs also held this strategy to work more with prevention, and focusing on “treating the organization”, not the individual, leaving the executive measures to the company.