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Functional analysis of scapular position in assymptomatic professors


The impaired performance of the muscles of the scapular region may result in injuries, fatigue, weakness and pain. The main objective of this research was to analyze the scapular positioning during the abduction of the shoulder movement in the frontal, scapular and sagittal plans. Method: This cross-sectional study comprised a convenience sample of 20 individuals. It was used the disability of the arm, shoulder and hand questionnaire (DASH Brazil), the digital inclinometer was used for measuring the scapular positioning. Having the purpose of regulating and ensuring the correct positioning of the upper limbs Assessed in the plans, it was developed the bulkhead which was used while the examination was performed. Results: The population study was asymptomatic. No significant difference was found for the right shoulder during the concentric and eccentric contraction at all angles of scapular inclination on the three analyzed plans. Significant difference was found in the left shoulder during the concentric contraction in the scapular angle at 90° and in the eccentric contraction at the scapular angles of 30°, 60° and 90° of inclination in the frontal plan compared to men and women. Furthermore, it was found a decreasing left shoulder in the scapular angle during the eccentric contraction above 90° in the scapular and sagittal plans when compared to men and women. Conclusion: we concluded that in the three plans studied, the scapula behaved differently various angles in the measured and yet it was influenced by the direction of motion. Moreover, it is possible to say that showed that this study there is a difference in the rotational behavior of the scapula relating to women and men due to the anthropometric existed differences between them.