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Muscular activity in different locomotion plans with the use of various shoes types and barefoot


The objective of this study was to evaluate the electromyographyc activity of the muscles of the leg and spine associated with different types of shoes and barefoot, in the various plans of locomotion, in the situations before and after fatigue. Methods: Is a cross-sectional study, which was used a sample of convenience with 15 young women, aged between 18 and 35 years, sedentary. The examined muscles were tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius medialis and lateralis and erector spinae. The muscular activity was assessed during locomotion on flat surface, up and down stairs and in an inclined surface. The shoes were a high-heeled, small heeled, tennis, slipper and barefoot. Results: The results of electromyographyc analysis showed that the muscles of the leg had greater electromyographyc activity in the position of pre-fatigue of the lower limbs and erector spinae in the postfatigue of the lower limbs, in most of the conditions and situations. Discussion: Adaptive conditions associated with regular use of high shoes, has been widely questioned in relation to the incidence of injuries. Conclusion: In post-fatigue of the lower limbs, there was a decline in the activities of the muscles of the leg and increased recruitment of the erector muscles justified by the need for greater stability of the spine and pelvis during the locomotion of young women.