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Moral harassment at work model and inability


Moral Harassment at Work (MHW) is considered a recurrent practice of humiliation, mockery, isolation, persecution and psychological torture. Its results go beyond the worker private life: represent financial loss, affects the work, the organization, the productivity and the society. This article aims to develop a model of MHW, which characterizes the main components of the phenomenon and their nexus with the inability to work. For this, the Literature field is consulted, in order to identify systematically, the MHW components and their risky factors. The results showed a multifaceted model which demonstrates: the aggressor/victim and the configuration of the Moral Harassment at Work causes. The management of the degraded work. The characteristic features of the inability to work, caused on the victim. The MHW modalities and as a final product, the integration among these components. It is expected that this model can help the Ergonomist comprehending this phenomenon and contribute on the creation of some strategies of prevention on the workplace. It is concluded that the removal or minimization of this occupational risks requires some changes on the job organization, on the people`s behaviour, the leadership styles, on the humanization of the social labor relationship and on the coping this problem.