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A brief introduction to the military workplace culture


BACKGROUND: Military culture and workplace are areas of interest for researchers across disciplines. However, few publications on military culture exist.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to introduce general concepts regarding the structure and culture of the United States Military and discuss how this creates challenges for reintegrating into the civilian world.

METHOD: Topics that will be covered in this article include an overview of the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), socialization to military culture, the unique features of the military as a workplace, the cultural experiences of military personnel reintegrating back into the community, and the challenges faced by military members and their spouses.

RESULTS: The provided information on military culture will expand military cultural competency so that civilian employers can enhance their ability to create supportive workplaces for veterans and military spouses during times of transition and reintegration.

DISCUSSION: The unique characteristics of the military culture should be understood by those who work with or plan to work with military populations.