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Early variability in the conceptualisation of “sustainable development and human factors”


The sub-discipline of “sustainable development and human factors” is relatively new, first being used in 2006 with a Technical Committee of the IEA being established only in 2009 and a similar special interest group on “green ergonomics” at the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors being established in 2010. In general though, the definitions and practice of “sustainable development” is highly contentious and ambiguous across a range of disciplines. This paper examines the diversity of definitions and approaches to sustainable development and human factors in the early papers in this sub-discipline. An examination of 45 chapters and papers (from 2008 to 2011) reveals a surprising consistency in the definitions used for sustainable development but also a large proportion of the papers where no definitions are given at all. The majority of papers were, however, biased towards an economic capital and social capital emphasis, which is to be expected of work traditionally in the ergonomics paradigm. Further, most papers were theoretical in nature demonstrating a great opportunity for empirical work. The variability in definitions is discussed in relation to the future challenges facing the growth of this emergent sub-discipline and opportunities for further theoretical and empirical work.