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Review of practices for keeping people with disabilities in employment: moving beyond the concept of compensation to implement a developmental approach


In France, there are strict laws in place to ensure that people with disabilities have access to, and can remain in employment. In this context, many businesses have “group agreements”, to support and fund in-house actions in this area. For the last five years, as part of our work as consultant ergonomists, we have carried out over fifty ergonomics interventions for one of our clients to adapt the working environment for persons with disabilities. This paper presents an analysis of our practices to adapt working environment for employees with disabilities by means of a review of these different interventions. This analysis of practices specifically focuses on an issue we consider to be of vital importance: how to get past the concept of an impairment which can be compensated for with technical solutions, a concept in which both French legislation, and the practices of certain professionals working in the field of occupational disability are firmly rooted, and move towards a developmental approach, with the aim of designing an “enabling environment” [2-4,13].