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Book Reviews


The three reviews presented here deal with change. There is no better word to describe the common element in the provision of adult services for people with disabilities. I have selected three publications from outside the field of rehabilitation from which numerous connections can be made. We can learn a great deal from the leaders of the business community in adopting strategies to successfully plan for the rapid pace of change in providing services to individuals with disabilities. Kriegel and Patler (1991) summarize the unconventional wisdom of corporate leaders regarding what it will take to meet the constant changes in the 1990s. Joel Barker (1988) introduces us to the world of the future, where the “new paradigms” will dictate a whole new way of doing things. A much referenced book by Rosabeth Moss Kantor (1983) is reviewed to encourage readers to draw parallels between the concepts presented in her book and the realities of providing services for people with disabilities. Each of these books provides experiences from which we can draw connections to our current work on behalf of people with disabilities.