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Guest Editorial


Note-Not infrequently, the “movers and shakers” in our field get together to present recent findings and new ideas, which invariably results in new or renewed vigor on the part of many others. Not so frequently, some insightful colleague finds the time and resources to bring together a small number of our most outstanding scientists to discuss and frame the foundation for a new initiative. Such a gathering was organised in April 1990, by Makoto Igarashi who, as then Director of Space Biomedical Division for the Universities Space Research Association, saw the importance of integrating the somewhat isolated studies relating human perception and disorientation in unusual environments. Because of the sophistication of the work represented, and its relevance to the theme of the Journal of Vestibular Research, the participants were invited to submit their work for publication, resulting in the first four papers in this issue. Dr. Igarashi has written an introduction, which follows as a guest editorial.