Affiliations: Speech & Language Therapist, Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Abstract: As the literature about evidence-based medicine is growing fast in the medical community, the discussion about evidence-based practice in speech and language therapy seems to have come to the fore only recently. Evidence is needed to prove that speech and language therapy is worthwhile paying for (by patients, employers, and health insurance companies). However, are we sure that our treatments of hearing, voice, speech, swallowing or language disorders are really effective? This article is an attempt to demonstrate the several aspects of evidence-based practice: searching for evidence based upon a clinical question and critically appraise the evidence for validity and applicability. Questions remain whether there is already enough evidence available and whether it is realistic that every speech and language therapist can practice ‘evidence-based speech and language therapy’.
Keywords: evidence-based practice, efficacy, validity, gold standard, databases, speech and language therapy, critical appraisal