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Loss of cervical lordosis in chronic neck pain patients with fibromyalgia: A cross-sectional study

Price: EUR 27.50

Loss of cervical lordosis in chronic neck pain patients with fibromyalgia: A cross-sectional study

What is it about?

Some interrelationships among fibromyalgia (FM), loss of cervical lordosis (LCL), and headache have been reported. Thus, it is sensible to examine LCL as a factor underlying FM and headache.

Why is it important?

In this study we aimed to assess LCL in chronic neck pain patients (CNPP) with FM and its association with headache features and FM severity. here were no statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of age, weight, height, body mass index, working status, and neck pain duration (p> 0.05 for each). The CNPP with FM had significantly reduced cervical lordosis angle compared with those without. The CNPP with FM had significantly higher headache frequency than those without (p= 0.008). There was statistically significant negative correlation between cervical lordosis angle and headache frequency in the CNPP with FM (r: -0.336; p= 0.012).

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