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One-year-survey with multicenter data of more than 4,500 patients with degenerative rheumatic diseases treated with therapeutic nuclear magnetic resonance


Background and Objectives:

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been shown to stimulate repair processes and cartilage and to influence pain signalling. It represents an alternative therapy for patients suffering from osteoarthritis (OA). To prove the clinical success of this new therapeutical method, validated measuring parameters are important that are convincing for pain and function in a one-year-follow-up.


During the course of its application over the last 10 years, over 4,500 protocols of a one-year-follow-up have been collected to record the outcome of NMR therapy. This report reflects the outcome of NMR therapy on patients with the following degenerative rheumatic diseases: OA of the knee (n=2.770), OA of the hip (n=673), OA of the ankle joint (n=420) and chronic low back pain (n=655). Data were collected at baseline, 6–8 weeks and 6 and 12 months following NMR treatment.


Pain was reduced significantly 6 weeks after NMR treatment in the cases of all four examined indications and stayed measurably reduced up to 6 and 12 months. The improvements in all three forms of pain (pain on load, pain on motion, pain at rest) following NMR treatment were around 21–50% on average.


Following therapy with NMR, patients with OA of all four types experienced a distinct improvement in their ability in functional parameters. Overall, the 10 years of a one-year-survey with multicenter data gathered on the effect of NMR therapy on patients verifiably proved its efficacy amongst patients with degenerative rheumatic diseases.