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Age-Related Tau Burden and Cognitive Deficits Are Attenuated in KLOTHO KL-VS Heterozygotes

[Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 79 (3) (2021), 1297–1305 DOI 10.3233/JAD-200944]

On p. 1299, in the Results section, where it says:

We have also assessed how many of the participants in this sample would be considered abnormal or negative based on our center’s derived cutpoint for CSF AD biomarkers [32], namely Aβ42 (≤471.54), pTau (≥59.5), and tTau (≥461.26). Majority of the participants in our sample were negative for both Aβ and tau biomarkers. Based on χ2-tests, the percentage of those who were Aβ42 negative did not significantly differ between KL-VS heterozygotes (7%) versus non-carriers (12%) (p = 0.18). Similarly, the percentage of those who were negative based on pTau did not significantly differ between KL-VS heterozygotes (18%) and non-carriers (13%) (p = 0.27). Finally, based on the tTau measure, the percentage of those who were negative did not significantly differ between KL-VS heterozygotes (16%) and noncarriers (14%) (p = 0.42).

It should be:

We have also assessed how many of the participants in this sample would be considered positive (i.e., abnormal) based on our center’s derived cutpoint for CSF AD biomarkers [32], namely Aβ42 (≤471.54), pTau (≥59.5), and tTau (≥461.26). Majority of the participants in our sample were negative for both Aβ42 and tau biomarkers. Based on χ2-tests, the percentage of those who were Aβ42 positive did not significantly differ between KL-VS heterozygotes (7%) versus non-carriers (12%) (p = 0.18). Similarly, the percentage of those who were positive based on pTau did not significantly differ between KL-VS heterozygotes (18%) and non-carriers (13%) (p = 0.27). Finally, based on the tTau measure, the percentage of those who were positive did not significantly differ between KL-VS heterozygotes (16%) and non-carriers (14%) (p = 0.42).