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Limitations of Efficient Reducibility to the Kolmogorov Random Strings


We show the following results for polynomial-time reducibility to RC, the set of Kolmogorov random strings.

1. If P ≠ NP, then SAT does not dtt-reduce to RC.

2. If PH does not collapse, then SAT does not nα--reduce to RC for any α < 1.

3. If PH does not collapse, then SAT does not nα-T-reduce to RC for any α < ½.

4. There is a problem in E that does not dtt-reduce to RC.

5. There is a problem in E that does not nα--reduce to RC, for any α < 1.

6. There is a problem in E that does not nα-T-reduce to RC, for any α < ½.

These results hold for both the plain and prefix-free variants of Kolmogorov complexity and are also independent of the choice of the universal machine.