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Abstracts of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Rheology

The Austrian Society for Rheology (ÖGR) was founded in March 2022 on the initiative of Ursula Windberger and Wolfgang Baumgartner. The aim was to bring together researchers and rheology users from various areas in Austria (from biology to polymers to building materials) in order to create a common platform for everybody who is interested in rheology. Meanwhile, we welcome teams from France, Germany and Switzerland in our society. Our conferences take place annually in November, where we rotate between different locations within Austria. In order to address young researchers, we organize alternative ways of getting together (for more information please see Since a few months the ÖGR is the Austrian representative at the European Society for Rheology (ESR) and the International Committee on Rheology (ICR).

The following abstracts are part of the oral and poster presentations held at the 2nd annual conference, which took place on Nov. 17th at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. They were selected from 30 abstracts based on their biorheological content or in the hope that the content might be of general interest to biorheologists. Future perspective of the society is the promotion of rheology in general, but in particular the development of tools to look with more detail behind the response of a material in a shear field. This can be done by elaborating new protocols (abstract of Geimer et al.), or by combining rheometers with other instruments to study interfacial phenomena, phase separation or structural arrangement in the microscale under controlled shear loading (abstracts of Bergfreund et al. and Noirez et al., as well as the keynote lecture given by R. Cerbino). Such techniques are of utmost importance for understanding blood flow and thrombus deformation, but also for the design of hydrogels used as scaffolding material for various biomedical applications. Please enjoy our abstracts!

Yours cordially,

Ursula Windberger

(President of ÖGR)

On behalf of the board and the conference organizers