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Biorheology is an international interdisciplinary journal that publishes research on the deformation and flow properties of biological systems or materials. It is the aim of the editors and publishers of
Biorheology to bring together contributions from those working in various fields of biorheological research from all over the world. A diverse editorial board with broad international representation provides guidance and expertise in wide-ranging applications of rheological methods to biological systems and materials.
The aim of biorheological research is to determine and characterize the dynamics of physiological processes at all levels of organization. Manuscripts should report original theoretical and/or experimental research promoting the scientific and technological advances in a broad field that ranges from the rheology of macromolecules and macromolecular arrays to cell, tissue and organ rheology. In all these areas, the interrelationships of rheological properties of the systems or materials investigated and their structural and functional aspects are stressed.
The scope of papers solicited by
Biorheology extends to systems at different levels of organization that have never been studied before, or, if studied previously, have either never been analyzed in terms of their rheological properties or have not been studied from the point of view of the rheological matching between their structural and functional properties. This biorheological approach applies in particular to molecular studies where changes of physical properties and conformation are investigated without reference to how the process actually takes place, how the forces generated are matched to the properties of the structures and environment concerned, proper time scales, or what structures or strength of structures are required.
Biorheology invites papers in which such 'molecular biorheological' aspects, whether in animal or plant systems, are examined and discussed. While we emphasize the biorheology of physiological function in organs and systems, the biorheology of disease is of equal interest. Biorheological analyses of pathological processes and their clinical implications are encouraged, including basic clinical research on hemodynamics and hemorheology.
In keeping with the rapidly developing fields of mechanobiology and regenerative medicine,
Biorheology aims to include studies of the rheological aspects of these fields by focusing on the dynamics of mechanical stress formation and the response of biological materials at the molecular and cellular level resulting from fluid-solid interactions. With increasing focus on new applications of nanotechnology to biological systems, rheological studies of the behavior of biological materials in therapeutic or diagnostic medical devices operating at the micro and nano scales are most welcome.
Abstract: Certains germes comme Diplococcus pneumoniae , fréquemment isolés dans les sécrétions bronchiques expectorées par les bronchitiques chroniques, possèdent un potentiel marqué d’activité d’exoenzymes, susceptibles de modifier la structure des glycoprotéines du mucus. L’action de diverses glycosidases bactériennes: neuraminidases purifiées de Diplococcus pneumoniae et de Clostridium perfringens , β galactosidase et β -N-acétyl-hexosaminidase, a été étudiée in vitro sur les propriétés visco-élastiques des expectorations. La neuraminidase purifiée de Diplococcus pneumoniae entraîne in vitro une réduction de la viscosité apparente (η 0 ) et de la recouvrance globale (S R ); cette…dernière est d’autant plus marquée que les sécrétions bronchiques sont riches en sialomucines. La présence d’autres glycosidases bactériennes (β -galactosidase et β -N-acétyl-hexosaminidase), bien que susceptibles de se conjuguer à celle de la neuraminidase, n’entraêne pas de modifications rhéologiques plus marquées que celles observées après action isolée de la neuraminidase purifiée. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance des glycosidases bactériennes qui, au cours des processus suppuratifs bronchiques, peuvent perturber les qualités fonctionnelles de la sécrétion bronchique.
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DOI: 10.3233/BIR-1975-123-414
Citation: Biorheology,
vol. 12, no. 3-4, pp. 219-224, 1975
Abstract: In order to understand more about the rheological properties of mucoid secretions and the mechanisms by which they are thickened or thinned by drugs, a model system based on hog gastric mucin has been employed. The consistency of a 10 per cent dispersion of mucin in tris buffer is little affected by changes in pH, ionic strength and the addition of specific ions such as Ca2+ . The effect of mucolytic sulphydryl and proteolytic compounds has been followed using continuous shear viscometry and a new stress relaxation method. Other agents (surface active agent, and urea) have a similar effect to…water. The model can be thickened by the addition of a disodium tetraborate, a cross-linking agent.
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DOI: 10.3233/BIR-1975-123-415
Citation: Biorheology,
vol. 12, no. 3-4, pp. 225-232, 1975
Abstract: Effective application of the blood viscosity equation η r = ( 1 − k C T ) − 2.5 depends on accuracy of blood and plasma viscosity determinations, and on estimation of free volume of red cells, Ck . When microhaematocrits are used, term Tk can supply an estimate of the rigidity-deformability of the red cells. [n the unusual cases when the relative viscosity of blood is about equal viscosity of plasma, a hypothesis is given that this apparently “absurd” phenomenon might be due to heterogeneous distribution of plasma proteins…and formation of “plasma atmosphere” around the red cells (especially in macroglobulinaemia).
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DOI: 10.3233/BIR-1975-123-418
Citation: Biorheology,
vol. 12, no. 3-4, pp. 253-256, 1975