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Transforming a hospital safety and ergonomics program: a four year journey of change


The conception of “Patient Safety” being the number one priority at Hospitals can reduce the emphasis on overall employee safety and health. This review examines a hospital’s need to improve 24/7 active (i.e., not reactive) coverage, regulatory compliance, as well as the frequency and severity of employee injury losses. It also discusses a journey to integrate and improve safety and ergonomics to achieve these goals. Three approaches used by the ergonomist to create the transformation included: 1) adoption of the safety and ergonomic hazard identification; 2) safe patient handling; and 3) implementation of a 5S program. The results of the four (4) year effort at the not for profit, 637 bed, full service, acute-care hospital has shown a steady decline in frequency, reduced waste, and improved housekeeping. Ergonomists can have a key role in transforming Hospital Safety and Ergonomic Programs.