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Preponderance and possible factors associated to musculoskeletal symptoms in metals industry workers


The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of complaints of musculoskeletal pain in workers following the metallurgical establishing a relationship with the sociodemographic profile and perception of professionals about the cause of symptoms. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the following metallurgical enterprises in the city of Curitiba, Brazil. The sample consisted of 50 individuals. The instrument used for data collection was the “Nordic Questionnaire of musculoskeletal symptoms” including demographic data and verifying the level of significance (0.05). There was a prevalence of low back pain, hip and lower limbs (92%), especially those who work more than one year, and 82% reported relationship between pain and work. The symptoms in the lumbar region grouped the dorsal region was more related to activity performed with the p-value of 0.000. The possible relationship between pain and the work reveals the need for an ergonomic program that allows improved quality of life for the metallurgical.