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Sizing up Australia: toward a national sizing survey


This paper reports on the outcomes of research on the use of anthropometric data by designers of Australian workplaces and products used in Australian workplaces. Australian designers were asked how they used anthropometric data, and about the adequacy of data that were available to them for their needs as designers. In addition to a review of published and grey literature, designers were surveyed and asked for detailed information about their use of anthropometric data and about their needs. Thirty-two completed questionnaires were received. Two focus groups of designers were conducted; 13 people attended in Adelaide and 16 in Melbourne. The data indicated that designers either did not use anthropometric data at all or had difficulty finding data that were reliable and relevant to their specific needs. In response to the findings the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia developed a Special Interest Group for anthropometry that currently has over 150 members. The Group is actively lobbying government for an Australian Sizing Survey, so this research is an important stimulus to a major policy investment for Australia.